
来源 :现代医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haludahuaidan
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目的:探讨对HIV阳性孕产妇的新生儿予以HIV的阻断措施的临床效果。方法:设定阻断技术路线,对HIV阳性孕产妇根据孕期实施不同的阻断措施,并对采取完全阻断、不完全阻断及未采取阻断措施的新生儿HIV的阴性率进行比较分析。结果:2005年至2010年各年度有关HIV母婴阻断传播的咨询率逐年上升,HIV阳性检出率为0.3%~0.6%;共114名HIV阳性孕产妇,87例(76.3%)选择继续妊娠者中85例围生儿存活。87例中51例采用了完全阻断措施,其新生儿HIV阴性率为98.0%;29例予以不完全阻断措施,其新生儿HIV阴性率为72.4%;未采取阻断7例(1例失访),新生儿HIV阴性率为0。结论:根据孕期时间实施完全阻断措施可有效降低HIV母婴传播率,提高新生儿生存质量,对遏制婴儿和儿童人群艾滋病的传播有重要意义。 Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of blocking HIV in neonates with HIV-positive pregnant women. Methods: To set the technical block of blocking, to carry out different blocking measures to HIV-positive pregnant women according to pregnancy, and to analyze the negative rate of HIV in newborns with complete block, incomplete block and no blocking measure . Results: From 2005 to 2010, the consultation rate on the transmission of HIV maternal and infant block was increased year by year, and the positive rate of HIV was 0.3% ~ 0.6%. A total of 114 HIV-positive pregnant women and 87 patients (76.3%) continued to choose 85 cases of perinatal children survived. Among 87 cases, 51 cases were completely blocked. The neonatal HIV-negative rate was 98.0%. 29 cases were incompletely blocked and the neonatal HIV-negative rate was 72.4%. Seven cases were not blocked (1 case Lost to visit), neonatal HIV negative rate of 0. CONCLUSION: The complete blockage during pregnancy can effectively reduce the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and improve the quality of life of neonates, which is of great significance in preventing the spread of AIDS among infants and children.
摘要目的比较几种中央沟变异的发生情况及评估中央沟电源按钮征(PBS)在2型局灶性皮质发育不良(FCD2)病人和健康对照组中的可重复性。材料与方法本研究获当 Abstract Objecti
目的探讨卵巢子宫内膜异位症(OEms)异位和在位内膜中S100A6的表达及意义。方法应用Elivision Tmplus免疫组化方法检测30例OEms异位、在位内膜和非子宫内膜异位症(EMs)子宫内
目的评价口服斯皮仁诺胶囊治疗手足癣、体股癣、花斑癣和念珠菌性龟头炎的疗效和安全性。方法选取152例患者,给予斯皮仁诺口服,200 mg/次,1次/d,共1周,饭后服用。角化型手足
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