
来源 :西安石油学院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyff1985
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研究湖平面频繁变化的环境下形成的扇三角洲的特点 ,阐述了其沉积微相、相带展布和砂体分布方面的特征 ,为该区储层的预测提供了指导模型 .认为枣园油田 (黄骅坳陷 )孔一段枣 、枣 油组发育时期 ,水体不稳定 ,湖平面升降频繁 ,无固定湖岸线 .因此 ,在这种环境下形成的扇三角洲特征缺乏完整的垂向层序 ,水下沉积与水上沉积垂向上频繁叠置 ,形成多层楼式的垂向层序 ,表现为红色碎屑岩与薄层暗色泥岩频繁互层 .由于沉积物以氧化色为主 ,其特征类似冲积扇 .但该环境下沉积的砂体分布模式与冲积扇环境的砂体的分布模式有很大的差别 .红色泥夹的砂岩是席状 ,暗色泥岩所夹砂岩是指状 ,与湖岸垂直 .在平面上 ,由于湖水的周期性淹没和湖浪改造形成沿岸分布的席状砂体 .在垂向上 ,由于湖平面的频繁变化 ,使该区缺少稳定的沉积环境 ,因此砂体相对较薄 .最后建立了该区扇三角洲洪水期沉积模式和枯水期沉积模式 .洪水期和枯水期的交替发育 ,导致在同一剖面上席状砂体和透镜状 (树枝状 )砂体的交替出现 This paper studies the characteristics of fan delta formed under frequent changes of lake level and expounds the characteristics of sedimentary microfacies, facies belt distribution and sand body distribution, which provides a guidance model for the prediction of reservoirs in this area. (Huanghua Depression) During the development of Zaoyi and Zaoyou formations, the water body is unstable and the lake level rises and falls frequently with no fixed lake shoreline, therefore, the fan delta formed in this environment lacks a complete vertical sequence and water Lower sediments and aquatic sediments are frequently superimposed vertically, forming a multi-storey vertical sequence, which is characterized by frequent interbeds of red clastic rocks and thin dark mudstones. Because sediments are mainly characterized by oxidation color, they are characterized by alluvial deposits However, the distribution pattern of sand bodies deposited in this environment is quite different from the distribution pattern of sand bodies in alluvial fan environment. The sandstone with red clay clip is a sand-shaped, dark-colored sandstone with the sandstone sandwiched vertically and perpendicular to the lake shore. In the plane, due to the periodic flooding of the lake and the lakes and waves, the sandy sand bodies distributed along the coast are formed vertically. Due to the frequent changes of the lake surface, the stable sedimentary environment is lacking in this area. Therefore, Finally, the establishment of a zone fan delta depositional model and depositional model dry season flood. Alternately development of flood and dry seasons, resulting in alternating sheet sand body and lenticular (dendritic) sand bodies appear on the same profile
目的 讨论满足T*k|T2|Tk≥T*k|T|2Tk的算子的性质.方法 采用算子分块矩阵及算子函数演算的方法.结果 该方法便于讨论满足T*k|T2|Tk≥T*k|T|2Tk的算子的性质.结论 满足T*k|T2|
目的 研究了基于类间交叉熵的二维阈值分割算法及其抗噪性能.方法 通过采用交叉熵方法 来描述二维直方图中的目标区域和背景区域之间像素信息的差异程度,构造了一种基于最大
Identification of tumour necrosis factor apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL), a TNF family ligand, sparked a torrent of research, following an initial observatio
对华 1 5 2井区沉积微相与含油性进行了较全面的分析 ,认为华 1 5 2井区长 3油层的沉积相为吴旗—华池三角洲前缘亚相的一个分支 .根据其岩性、电性及沉积构造特征 ,将其划分