
来源 :政工研究动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alonsoyl
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最近,安庆石化炼油厂党委向全厂发布了该厂思想政治工作研究成果15项。此举受到职工的广泛关注和好评。 为深入贯彻中央思想政治工作会议精神,积极探索适应新形势下本厂特点的思想政治工作运行机制、方法和途径,安庆石化炼油厂党委于去年9月份在全厂范围内开展了职工思想政治工作研究成果征集活动。到年底共收到论文、调查报告、工作研究等思想政治工作研究成果47项。这批研究成果,大多联系当前石化企业改革和职工思想状态的实际,具有较 Recently, the party committee of Anqing Petrochemical Refinery has released 15 research results of its ideological and political work to the whole plant. The move received wide attention and praise from workers. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the conference on ideological and political work of the Central Government and actively explore the operational mechanisms, methods and means of ideological and political work that are adapted to the characteristics of our factory under the new situation, the party committee of Anqing Petrochemical Refinery carried out ideological and political work among the entire factory in September last year Research results collection activities. By the end of the year, a total of 47 research articles on ideological and political work such as dissertations, investigation reports and work studies have been received. Most of these research results are related to the actual situation of the current reform of petrochemical enterprises and the ideological status of workers.
研究了0.8μm SOINMOS晶体管,经过剂量率为50rad(Si)/s的60Coγ射线辐照后的输出特性曲线的变化趋势.研究结果表明,经过制造工艺和版图的优化设计,在不同剂量条件下,该样品均
A novel inductance-free nonlinear oscillator circuit with a single bifurcation parameter is presented in this paper. This circuit is composed of a twin-T oscill
研究我国云南中泥盆世晚期西冲组的一种细小植物Psilophytonstriatumsp .nov .,它具有二歧分叉光滑轴和生殖枝 ,生殖枝由三次等二歧分叉枝系和族生孢子囊组成。枝系末端着生
急性呼吸道感染、尤其是急性下呼吸道感染(AcuteLower -RespiratorytractInfection ,ALRI)严重影响着儿童的健康成长。其中肺炎更是在我国婴幼儿死亡原因中占第一位的疾病[1] 。为了解近年来ALRI的感染细菌类型及其耐药情