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为了进一步完成会计从业资格考试大纲,促进会计从业资格的知识结构科学。财政部与2014年4月4日印发了《会计从业资格考试大纲(修订)》(财办会【2014】13号)(以下简称14版考试大纲),自2014年10月1日起实行。2016年8月11日,财政部《关于印发会计从业资格考试大纲(修订)的通知》(财办会[2016]34号)(以下简称16版考试大纲),自2017年1月1日起实行。本文针对两版大纲进行比较,重点介绍16版《会计基础》的主要改变,分析变化的原因,更好的指导会计教学。 In order to further complete the accounting qualification examination outline, to promote accounting qualification of knowledge structure science. The Ministry of Finance issued the “Outline of the Accounting Qualifications Examination (Revised)” (Caijianhui [2014] No. 13) on April 4, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the 14 version of the examination outline) and came into force on October 1, 2014. On August 11, 2016, the Ministry of Finance, “Notice on Printing and Distributing the Accounting Qualification Examination Outline (Revised)” (Caijianhui [2016] No. 34) (hereinafter referred to as the 16th Syllabus) Implementation. This article compares the two versions of the outline, focusing on the 16 version of “accounting basis” of the main changes, analyze the reasons for change, and better guide accounting teaching.
凤凰,湘西沱江之畔的一颗璀璨明珠,国家级历史文化名城,现代著名文学家沈从文的故乡,有“中国最美的小城”之称。凤凰城有1000多年的建城历史,这 Phoenix, a shining pearl
中国人换了一代又一代,不变的是神仙梦,像COPY的漫话永久存储在基因之中,隐约于红尘滚滚的梦幻之中。 Chinese people have changed from generation to generation, immuta
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项目背景概述随着国内工程公司海外业务的不断拓展,国内各主要工程公司,特别是购买了鹰图PP&MSmart Plant Materials系统(基于工程设计、采购供应链管控系统)的各工程公司对
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