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Photooxidation of APAP in water induced by the photolysis of Fe(III)–oxalate complexes is investigated.Initial concentration,pH value and Fe/oxa ratio could affect the photodegradation efficiency.The photodegradation efficiency of APAP increased with decreasing the initial concentration in the range of 25.0–100.0μmol·L-1 under the condition of pH 4.0,20.0 μmol·L-1 Fe(III),300.0μmol·L-1 oxalate.For pH value and Fe/oxa ratio,in fact,these two aspects are integrated into one point that they both had an important effect on the competition between formation of Fe(III)–oxalate complexes and Fe(III)–OH complexes,which have an important effect on the formation of H2O2 and ·OH radicals. Photooxidation of APAP in water induced by the photolysis of Fe (III) -oxalate complexes is investigated.Initial concentration, pH value and Fe / oxa ratio could affect the photodegradation efficiency. The photodegradation efficiency of APAP increased with decreasing the initial concentration in the range of 25.0-100.0 μmol·L-1 under the condition of pH 4.0, 20.0 μmol·L-1 Fe (III), 300.0 μmol·L-1 oxalate.For pH value and Fe / oxa ratio, in fact, these two aspects are integrated into one point that they both had an important effect on the competition between the formation of Fe (III) -oxalate complexes and Fe (III) -OH complexes, which have an important effect on the formation of H2O2 and · OH radicals.
国家经委、水电部于六月下旬在西安召开了龙羊峡水电站下闸蓄水期间电、水分配协调会议。会议一致同意在保证工程安全与明年春灌的条件下,于今年十月份一次下闸,断流三 The
柴油紧张 汽油充裕 国庆、中秋佳节举国欢度,长假使成品油市场批发销量受到较大影响,但随着旅游人数剧增,油品零售量有一定上升。假期结束后、市场销售逐渐恢复正常。但由于
20 0 1年 9月 2 2至 2 3日 ,受四川省科技进步奖国土资源专业评审组办公室委托 ,由西南石油学院主办的“四川省第五届地矿、石油行业科技管理研讨会”在四川成都召开。来自四
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目的 :探讨全反式维甲酸治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病过程中维甲酸综合征的临床特点及其治疗。方法 :对于初治的 15 4例 APL 患者 ,ATRA治疗后 ,白细胞小于 2 0× 10 9/ L 者单