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所谓真实投篮命中率,与一般意义上的投篮命中率有所而同的地方在于,它将三分球命中率和罚球命中率皆列入考量的范围。这两顶数据与投篮命中率(FG%)相加来考虑,更可全面而真实地反映出一支球队的整体得分能力。其计算公式为TS%=(球队总得分×50)/[投篮出手次数+(罚球出手次数×0.44)]。其中,球队总得分、投篮和罚球出手次数三项值是随着比赛而改变的,因此,真实投篮命中率也是在不断变化中的。本文截至2007年11月16日,来看看在这一时间段,联盟的TS%排名。(见表一) The so-called real shooting percentage, and the general sense of the shooting percentage is the same place, it will hit the three-point shooting and free throw percentage are included in the range. These two figures and shooting (FG%) to add to consider, but also a more comprehensive and truly reflect the team’s overall scoring ability. The formula is TS% = (team total score × 50) / [shooting shots + (free throw shot × 0.44)]. Among them, the team total score, shooting and free throw attempts three values ​​is changed with the game, therefore, the true shooting percentage is also changing. As of November 16, 2007, this article takes a look at the league’s TS% rankings during this time period. (See Table I)
美国前总统克林顿因性丑闻接受大陪审团质询时,数次用手摸自己的鼻子。马上有心理学家致电大陪审团:克林顿在说谎。因为摸鼻子,是人在重要场合撒谎的主要行为特征。  时下,男人们在喊累的同时,把自己的真象藏得越来越深。本事大的玩深沉,本事小的常谨慎,没本事的爱胡抡。要想深入了解他们,还真有点难。  告诉你一个秘密,了解男人在睡前干什么,便能窥测到他的心灵轨迹,入睡前的短暂时刻,是他们全身心放松,并能真实展
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