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溪洛渡工程除了高拱坝、高水头、高地震带和大型洞室群开挖等富有挑战性的坝工难题外,溪洛渡工程远距离输电也是一个十分复杂的技术问题。业内人士指出:随着溪洛渡、向家坝及锦屏一级等巨型水电站的开工建设,中国的坝工水平将处于世界领先地位;同时也将促进我国在输电、电网技术处于世界领先地位。溪洛渡工程开工后,按工期安排,2012年首台机组开始投产发电。现在距发电时间还有7年,但相关研究工作早已开始。就溪洛渡工程电力外送的相关问题,本刊编辑部专访了中国电力工程顾问集团公司溪洛渡、向家坝水电站输电系统规划设计及优化论证的项目经理、我国电力系统规划设计专家曾德文。 Xiluodu Project In addition to the challenging dam problems such as high arch dams, high water head, high seismic zones and excavation of large caverns, the long-distance transmission of Xiluodu project is also a very complicated technical issue. Insiders pointed out: With the construction of Xiluodu, Xiangjiaba and Jinping first-class mega hydropower stations, China’s dam industry will be at the leading position in the world. At the same time, it will also promote China’s leading position in transmission and power grid technologies in the world. Xiluodu project started, according to the schedule, in 2012 the first unit began production. Now there are seven years from the power generation time, but the related research work has already begun. On Xiluodu project power outage related issues, the editorial department interviewed China Xiluodu Power Consultants Group Corporation, Xiangjiaba hydropower station transmission system planning and design optimization and demonstration project manager, China’s power system planning and design expert Zeng Dewen.
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