Parameterized Forward Operators for Simulation and Assimilation of Polarimetric Radar Data with Nume

来源 :大气科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaogege0451
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Many weather radar networks in the world have now provided polarimetric radar data (PRD) that have the potential to improve our understanding of cloud and precipitation microphysics, and numerical weather prediction (NWP). To realize this potential, an accurate and efficient set of polarimetric observation operators are needed to simulate and assimilate the PRD with an NWP model for an accurate analysis of the model state variables. For this purpose, a set of parameterized observation operators are developed to simulate and assimilate polarimetric radar data from NWP model-predicted hydrometeor mixing ratios and number concentrations of rain, snow, hail, and graupel. The polarimetric radar variables are calculated based on the T-matrix calculation of wave scattering and integrations of the scattering weighted by the particle size distribution. The calculated polarimetric variables are then fitted to simple functions of water content and volume-weighted mean diameter of the hydrometeor particle size distribution. The parameterized PRD operators are applied to an ideal case and a real case predicted by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to have simulated PRD, which are compared with existing operators and real observations to show their validity and applicability. The new PRD operators use less than one percent of the computing time of the old operators to complete the same simulations, making it efficient in PRD simulation and assimilation usage.
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