
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heritage102
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一堂课下来,常听有的教师抱怨说:“这班学生真象木头人,费了老大的劲,就是‘启而不发’!”很显然,这是把“启而不发”的原因归于学生。我认为:问题表现在学生身上,原因却主要在教师。 从教师方面看,一是急躁。有的教师每提出一个问题,或要学生回答;或稍加诱导就要学生完全答对,否则不是冷眼逼视,便是“榆木脑袋”之类的讥讽,人都有自尊心,没有十足的把握,谁肯冒此风险举手应答? 在这种气氛之中,很多人已是“毛孔痉挛,汗不敢出”了。于是大家都保持沉默。 二是不明。有的教师对讲述的内容钻研不深,理解不透,或固执一得,或含糊其辞。所提问题,又大多先带上“唯一性”答案的框框,此时的“启发”,实际上变成了迫使学生“就范”的代词。在这种束缚下,倘若教师的语言再不精当,那实在是不 After a class came down, some of the teachers often complained: “This class of students is like a wood man. It takes the strength of the boss and it is ’starting without sending’!” Obviously, this is the reason why the students “will not send” will be attributed to students. . I think: The problem is in students, but the reason is mainly teachers. From the perspective of teachers, one is impatient. Some teachers have to ask a question for each student, or ask the students to answer; or a little inducement requires students to fully answer. Otherwise, it is not a cold-eyed look. It is the sarcasm of “wooden heads”. People have self-esteem and are not fully confident. Who is willing to take this risk and raise their hands to respond? In this atmosphere, many people are already “pore-swept, sweaty, afraid to come out”. So everyone kept silent. The second is unknown. Some teachers did not delve deeper into the contents of the lectures, understood them, or were stubborn, or ambiguous. Most of the questions raised were preceded by the box of “uniqueness” answers. At this time, “inspiration” actually became a pronoun that forced the students to “go in”. Under this constraint, if the language of the teacher is not refined, it is not.
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