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  For several years, Katie Miller, a 27-year-old artist based in Parkton, Maryland, 30 miles north of Baltimore, found inspiration in newborns. She nudged her friends, family, and neighbors to allow her to photograph their tiny babies so she could paint 1)painstakingly detailed portraits of them.

  That 2)unwavering intensity isn’t just the mark of a 3)die-hard artist. Eight years ago, Miller was diagnosed with autism, the neurological and developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to socialize and communicate with others. Her marathon painting sessions are just the kind of repetitive behavior typical among many with highfunctioning autism, often classified as Asperger’s syndrome. But what’s most striking about Miller’s autism is that it was even identified at all. Roughly 80 percent of the estimated 1.5 million Americans living with autism are men; because the disorder is so commonly associated with boys, women are 4)notoriously underdiagnosed.
  From all outward appearances, Miller looks like a typical 20-something, though it’s not until you step inside her parents’ home, where she lives in a room decorated with bright-blue carpets, an acid-green chair, and a grape-purple couch, that it becomes clear that she harbors an uncommon affinity for eye-popping color. Miller’s astounding draftsmanship, her ability to paint with an almost photographic quality, may be related to her autism. Some experts speculate it may have something to do with the obsessive repetitive behaviors that children with autism develop, as they tend to “practice” their craft more intensely and with greater focus than other children.
  Her autism also makes her acutely sensitive to overstimulation, which triggers a reaction called “5)stimming”—rocking back and forth or humming, for example. A loud jukebox, a crowded restaurant, even the pungent odor from a grill, can trigger a meltdown of anxiety, tears, and even vomiting. She braces for the worst-case scenario by lugging around a large pair of 6)Day-Glo headphones—the same bulky, noise-canceling model used by construction workers. Putting them on instantly transports her out of the 7)maddening noise to a place of peace and quiet. Even prolonged eye contact can make Miller uncomfortable. During conversations, she reflexively reaches for a soft, plastic dinosaur in her bag, one of several “stim toys” she keeps in her purse, and squeezes it until she can focus.

  This made college—and now the artgallery scene she inhabits—a complicated social labyrinth for her to navigate. Like when a friend walks by and flashes a smile, Miller confesses that she doesn’t always know how to read this generic gesture of goodwill. “I don’t get the difference between a nice expression and a not-nice expression,” she sighs. And despite her all-American good looks,Miller remains single, unable to decode the flirtatious looks and body language that are the 8)preamble to a hookup.
  Nonetheless, Miller does maintain a robust social life, having joined the 9)burgeoning network of autism activists. She is an outspoken proponent of the“neurodiversity” movement, which maintains that autism isn’t a disease to be cured but a different way of seeing the world, an alternative form of intelligence. To some, autism is an undesirable glitch in the complicated wiring of the brain; the neurodiversity crowd speculates that, in fact, some of history’s most successful and creative people had autism. (Bill Gates and Albert Einstein are often name-checked, though neither has ever been confirmed to have had it.) As such, the condition should be nurtured, not isolated and treated.
  “I don’t have autism—I’m autistic. In the same way you wouldn’t say you have femaleness, you’d say you are a woman,” Miller explains, as she tidies up her parents’ two-car garage, which she converted into a studio. In recent years, she’s moved on from newborns. Her work now features oversized toddlers who look, oddly, at once mature, even strangely 10)alluring, yet young and defenseless. Examining one of her paintings, head tilted to the side, she explains, “I suppose you could say I relate to them a lot.”

  米勒的自闭症也使得她对于过度刺激极度敏感,而这种刺激会触发一种叫“自我刺激行为”的身体反应——例如前后摇晃或是发出嗡嗡声。音量过高的自动点唱机、人群拥挤的餐厅,甚至是烤肉架的刺鼻气味都会使她的焦虑瞬间爆发,并无法抑制地流泪甚至呕吐。面对最糟糕的情况,米勒已经想好了应对方法——戴上一副大大的荧光色耳机。这种建筑工人才会佩戴的笨重耳机能很好地隔绝噪音,一戴上米勒就能从令人发狂的噪音中解放出来,进入到另一个平静安宁的世界。即使是持续时间过长的眼神交流也让米勒无所适从。在整个谈话过程中,她条件反射地揉捏包里的一个恐龙毛绒玩具,这是她放在包里的其中一只“镇静玩具”。 米勒会一直捏着玩具,直到自己能集中注意力才松手。
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