Probiotics and allergic diseases

来源 :World Journal of Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon_01
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The prevalence of allergic diseases including atopic dermatitis,asthma,allergic rhinitis(AR)and food allergy is increasing worldwide and they cause a big economic and social burden.Understanding of reasons thatcontribute to the etiology of allergic diseases as well as new treatment approaches are very important for the follow-up and prevention of these diseases.In recent years,probiotics seem to be promising for allergic diseases.The effect of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of eczema is more extensively studied,but little is known about the association of the microbial flora of the host and allergic airway diseases and the efficacy of probiotics in decreasing the symptoms of patients with asthma and rhinitis.Hitherto,there is no strong evidence for use of probiotics in the treatment of eczema;however,administration of probiotics in breastfeeding mothers in the prenatal period and infants in the postnatal period can be accepted as a safe and helpful option in the prevention of eczema.In contrast,there is not yet reliable evidence or recommendations on use of probiotics for the prevention or treatment of asthma,AR,food allergy,and anaphylaxis currently.More standardized studies should be performed with different strains of probiotics to evaluate the protective and therapeutic effects of probiotics on other allergic diseases as well as eczema.In this review,the relationship between allergy and probiotics is handled in the light of current literature. The prevalence of allergic diseases including atopic dermatitis, asthma, allergic is increasing worldwide and they cause a big economic and social burden. UNUnding the reasons thatcontribute to the etiology of allergic diseases as well as new treatment approaches are very important for the follow-up and prevention of these diseases. In recent years, probiotics seem to be promising for allergic diseases. The effect of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of eczema is more extensively studied, but little known of the association of the microbial flora of the host and allergic airway diseases and the efficacy of probiotics in decreasing the symptoms of patients with asthma and rhinitis. Hydherto, there is no strong evidence for use of probiotics in the treatment of eczema; however, administration of probiotics in breastfeeding mothers in the prenatal period and infants in the postnatal period can be accepted as a safe and helpful option in the prevention of eczema. In contrast, there is not enough information or recommendations on use of probiotics for the prevention or treatment of asthma, AR, food allergy, and anaphylaxis currently. More standardized studies should be performed with different strains of probiotics to evaluate the protective and therapeutic effects of probiotics on other allergic diseases as well as eczema. this review, the relationship between allergy and probiotics is handled in the light of current literature.
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