Wildlife Protection (the vocabulary part)

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  课型 新授课(单词部分)
  难点:探索有效的词汇学习方式和简单的构词法 ,提高学生的自学能力。
  Step1.Leading in
  Predict the content of the unit
  T: 1.Present the title of this unit and some pictures of rare animals.
  2.Question : Can you predict the content of the unit?
  Ss: Express themselves freely
  设计意图:I can stimulate students to learn some new words of the unit.
  Step2.Pronunciation competition
  T: 1. Encourage students to practice reading by themselves.
  2. Give students four minutes to prepare and divide them into four groups.
  Ss: The competition begins. If one’s pronunciation is right he can get one mark for his group otherwise the students in another group can get one mark.
  设计意图: Arouse students` interest and enthusiasm to involve in it and cultivate their cooperative and competitive abilities.
  Step3:Important vocabulary study
  1、T:Present some pictures and then use a sentence to describe them.
  If pandas` habitat is threatened, their numbers may decrease.
  Ss: Try to guess the meanings of the new words.
  设计意图: Improve their abilities of guessing and self-learning.
  2、T: As to the key word——threaten, I give more explanation in detail. Through two interesting pictures, I show students two sentences.
  (1) The orange threaten the apple to bite it.
  (2)The boy threatened to kill the thief with his knife.
  Ss: Try to draw a conclusion of how to use the word ---threaten.
  設计意图:Encourage them to learn how to draw a conclusion
  3、T: Present one more picture in which a lot of tigers` fur are collected by people and then comes one sentence.
  People kill tigers for fur, as a result the species are dying out.   Ss: They can guess the three new words` meaning.
  设计意图:Cultivate their abilities of imagining, understanding and guessing.
  4、T: Present two pictures. One represents a lovely bird and the other shows a strong man is shooting at it. Then follow three sentences :
  The bird is in danger. The man is dangerous.
  Ss: Try to distinguish the similar words:danger and dangerous and learn how to use the phrases of protect from.
  设计意图:Encourage students to think on their own and learn to compare.
  1、Who is my root?
  T: Ask students to look at the table and ask: can you match the words with their roots as quickly as you can?
  Ss: Try to match the words with their roots and think how to build up a new word.
  protection endanger rubber loss laughter powerful importance
  rubber protect danger power lose laugh important
  设计意图Help students remember the new words.
  2、Who is my friend?
  T: Ask students to match the proper words to make up phrases.
  Ss: Match the words
  (练习词语搭配)endangered a nature a flying wildlife a new a millipede drug insect carpet protection reserve animals
  设计意图:Help students to use words properly.
  3.Who am l?
  T: Presenting some English explanations and the pictures concerned, I ask students to try to guess what the words are.
  Ss:They think carefully and quickly and then volunteer to answer actively.
  1.to go after animals to catch them or kill them (hunt)
  2.able to control events (powerful)
  3.do something to have a change(affect)
  设计意图:Some experts said foreign language learners should try to think in the foreign language. So the exercise indicates a good method of learning words.
  T: Give students some words in limited time and organize them to have a game of expressing and guessing just like the program hosted by Li Yong. And encourage a few pairs to do it.
  Ss: One student tries to explain them in English or by body language but he can’t refer to the words. Another student can’t see the words and try to guess.
  设计意图:Students can improve their ability of expressing, analyzing and judging and grasp what they have learned better.
  Step6.Summary and evaluation
  T: Evaluate the whole class, especially the special groups or individuals.
  Ss: The students evaluate themselves and evaluate each other.
  設计意图:Through evaluation, students can find out the problems in learning and consolidate what they have learnt.
  Step7. Homework
  Write a composition. They must use the new words as many as they can.
  设计意图:By doing it students can practice using the new vocabulary correctly and improve their writing skill.
  Step8.Blackboard design
  1. Find the root. 2. Find the proper word to match.
  3. Guess words. 4. Have a game.
摘要:教书育人,教的不仅仅是知识,更是做人的原则;育的不仅仅是小孩,更是国家、乃至世界的未来。  关键词:教育;王小汶  一年级新生中,有一个特别的孩子。他叫王小汶,见多识广,聪明活泼,能说会道。他的母亲在入学的家长会上分享了孩子学前教育的成果,看起来是一位非常重视孩子学习和教育,并以此为荣的家长。母子二人的表现,在开学的第一天就给我留下了深刻的印象。  学期伊始,班级建立了QQ群,我注意到汶妈的
摘要:新课程改革已进行多年,教育部又制定了新的课程标准,再次强调了学生是学习和发展的主体,充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。但多年来,究竟怎样实施学生的课堂自主学习,怎样让学生的自主学习达到最佳效果,很多教师还不甚明了。笔者从以下几个方面来谈谈自己的教学心得。  关键词:新课程;自主学习;课堂提问;多元评价  《数学课程新标准》指出:“人人学有价值的数学,人人都能获
摘要:在高中学习阶段,很多学生因接触到新知识、新同学、新环境,大大影响到了学生学习数学知识,更有甚者会直接降低自身的成绩。总而言之,这种类似的现象在高中学习数学的阶段会频繁出现,所有这些原因都是来源于学生自身的特点之上。文章主要围绕着高中时期学生学习数学课程遇到的困难,并针对这些学习上的难题进行了分析,还在此给予一些学习上的指导建议,以期能够帮助到学生学习数学课程。  关键词:高中数学教学;数学思
摘要:古诗词的学习是语文教学的重点。在实际教学中,教师只有精心组织,创设有效的诗歌情境,且重视诵读方法的指导,读思结合,启发学生想象,才能突破“入境悟情”的教学难点。  关键词:古诗词教学;情境;情感  培根说:“读诗使人灵秀”,古诗词不仅能让学生了解我国优秀的传统文化,激发民族自豪感,提升自身的文化素养,并且在诵读与欣赏中,能够陶冶性情,获得审美感受[1]。  然而,在日常的古诗词教学中,如何引
摘要:学科之间的融合是现代教育改革的趋势,教师应开发一切可以开发的资源,为教学服务。本文以一节课为例,对文理素材进行有效整合,让抽象心理变成实在的行为。  关键系:物理实验;品德课堂;融合  《义务教育思想品德课程标准(2016版)》强调,教师要善于开发和利用初中学生已有的生活经验,选取学生关注的话题组织教学,为学生的思想道德成长服务。思想品德课程实施者应增强课程的开放性,积极开发各门学科中的相关
摘要:小学的数学教育,面对儿童,教的是数学,我们教师既要有儿童意识,也要有数学创新的视角,随着微时代的来临,微课程“翻转课堂”变革着数学课堂,所有的知识以点的形式呈现,让我们教师从“独舞”到和学生“共舞”,让我们的数学课堂返璞归真,让学生经历知识的创造过程,让学生明白数学并不高深莫测,数学并不是来自权威和书本,数学是可以自己创造的。  关键词:微课;数学;翻转课堂  在新课程背景下,课堂教学具有广
一、整体思路  《高中英语课程标准》(八级高考要求)要求学生学会使用3300个左右的单词和300-500个习惯用语或固定搭配。因此,相比于初三的标准,就词汇量来说就增加了一倍多。因此,扩充词汇量对于学生来说是非常重要的。众所周知,语言学习是有规律的。比如:构词法,尤其是派生词。学生可以根据词缀来记忆大量的单词。综上,在本节课的教学中,教师将对派生词(前缀、后缀)进行讲解,以旧带新,帮助高一新生掌握
一、Analysis onLearners  The students in Grade 1 are from different Middle school, most of whom are poor in English, especially in learning words .The students are always thinking it not easy to recite