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堤防加固一般采用加高、加宽缘堤防的方法,以达到设计断面要求,对于透水堤基采用各种截渗措施,以截断或延长渗径。但是堤坡、堤脚的防护加固因造价较高,地方上难以承受。土料固化剂因其可以就地取材、价格低廉且有足够的抗压、抗渗、抗冲、抗冻等特性,有希望代替块石、混凝土板成为护坡、护脚的另一种实用材料。堤段位于某省中西部的大兴县,属西江流域,大兴江自南而北贯穿全境,最后汇入西江。某城市堤防多采用当地材料筑成,防洪标准不高,河堤稳而低,堤身稳固的关键是堤脚要稳,这样就难于被洪水冲毁。此次工程项目是用固化技术加固堤基土层,增加其强度,减少其变形。本次采用高压喷射灌浆防渗加固技术,在浆液中加入一定量的Renolit固化剂,经抽芯检测,证实其固化效果良好。 In general, embankment reinforcements are used to widen the embankments of the embankments to meet the requirements of the design section. Various permeability measures are adopted for the permeable embankment to cut off or extend the seepage path. However, embankments, embankments of the protective reinforcement because of higher cost, unbearable place. Soil curing agent because it can be drawn on the spot, the price is low and there is sufficient pressure, impermeability, impact resistance, frost and other characteristics, there is hope instead of rock, concrete plate to become slope protection, foot protection of another practical material . The embankment section is located in Daxing County in the central and western part of a province, belonging to the Xijiang River Basin. The Daxing River runs through the whole territory from south to north and finally flows into the Xijiang River. A city embankment built with more local materials, flood control standards are not high, the river embankment steady and low, the key to the stability of the dike is to stabilize the dike, so difficult to be destroyed by floods. The project is to use curing technology to reinforce the embankment so as to increase its strength and reduce its deformation. The use of high pressure jet grouting anti-seepage reinforcement technology, in the slurry by adding a certain amount of Renolit curing agent, by the core detection, confirmed its curing effect is good.
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