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目的探究改良尿管拔除方法对腰硬联合麻术后拔除尿管后自主排尿的影响,以供临床参考以及研究。方法本次研究对象从2015年1月~2016年11月于海丰县彭湃纪念医院住院运用腰硬联合麻术后患者中选取300例符合纳入标准的患者,通过动态化随机分组的方法将其分为3组,每组各100例。A组患者在尿管排空尿液后,膀胱空虚时将尿管拔除;B组患者在夹闭尿管后,待患者自觉需要排尿,膀胱充盈时,将尿管拔除;C组患者在尿管排空尿液后用4°的生理盐水250ml加庆大霉素8万单位注入膀胱夹闭尿管10min后拔除尿管,探究3组患者自行排尿时间以及尿潴留发生率的差异性。结果通过研究结果中可以看出,C组患者自主排尿时间小于30分钟的例数明显高于B组以及A组的例数(P<0.05),在尿潴留发生率的比较中,C组患者的结果与B组、A组患者的结果相比较,存在较大差异,P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义。结论改良尿管拔除方法对腰硬联合麻术后拔除尿管后自主排尿具有一定的影响,能够有效缩短患者的自主排尿时间,能够在一定的程度上降低患者出现尿潴留的机率,提高患者生活质量,可应用以及推广。 Objective To investigate the effect of modified catheter extraction on spontaneous micturition after removal of urethra after combined spinal and epidural anesthesia for clinical reference and study. Methods From January 2015 to November 2016, 300 patients who met the inclusion criteria were recruited from January 2015 to November 2016 in hospital of Peng Pai Memorial Hospital, Haifeng County. The patients were divided into three groups according to the method of randomization: Three groups, 100 cases in each group. A group of patients emptying the catheter in the urine after the bladder emptiness will be removed when the catheter; B group of patients in the folder after the catheter, the patient need to urinate spontaneously, bladder filling, the removal of the catheter; C group of patients in urine Tube emptying urine with 4 ° saline 250ml plus gentamicin 80,000 units into the bladder clip catheter 10min after removal of the catheter to explore the three groups of patients with their own urination time and the incidence of urinary retention variability. Results According to the results of the study, the number of patients with spontaneous urination in group C less than 30 minutes was significantly higher than those in group B and group A (P <0.05). In the comparison of the incidence of urinary retention, patients in group C Of the results and B group, A group of patients compared to the results, there is a big difference, P <0.05, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion The improved method of catheter removal has certain effect on spontaneous micturition after removal of ureteral catheter in patients with combined spinal and epidural anesthesia, which can shorten the time of spontaneous urination of patients and reduce the probability of urinary retention in patients to a certain extent and improve the life of patients Quality, application and promotion.
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