Domain boundaries in silicene:Density functional theory calculations on electronic properties

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayahaha
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By using density functional theory(DFT)-based first-principles calculations, the structural stability and electronic properties for two kinds of silicene domain boundaries, forming along armchair edge and zigzag edge, have been investigated. The results indicate that a linkage of tetragonal and octagonal rings(4|8) appears along the armchair edge, while a linkage of paired pentagonal and octagonal rings(5|5|8) appears along the zigzag edge. Different from graphene, the buckling properties of silicene lead to two mirror symmetrical edges of silicene line-defect. The formation energies indicate that the 5|5|8 domain boundary is more stable than the 4|8 domain boundary. Similar to graphene, the calculated electronic properties show that the 5|5|8 domain boundaries exhibit metallic properties and the 4|8 domain boundaries are half-metal.Both domain boundaries create the perfect one-dimensional(1D) metallic wires. Due to the metallic properties, these two kinds of nanowires can be used to build the silicene-based devices. By using density functional theory (DFT) -based first-principles calculations, the structural stability and electronic properties for two kinds of silicene domain boundaries, forming along armchair edge and zigzag edge, have been investigated. The results indicate that a linkage of tetragonal and Different from graphene, the buckling properties of silicene lead to two mirror symmetrical edges (5 | 5 | 8) appear along the armchair edge, while a linkage of paired pentagonal and octagonal rings 5 of 8 domain boundary is more stable than the 4 | 8 domain boundary. Similar to graphene, the calculated energies indicate that the 5 | 5 | properties and the 4 | 8 domain boundaries are half-metal.Both domain boundaries create the perfect one-dimensional (1D) metallic wires. Due to the metallic properties, these two kinds of nanowires can be used to b uild the silicene-based devices.
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