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古诗词是中华民族文学宝库中璀璨的明珠。对古诗词的学习,我们不仅要教会学生学会诵读和鉴赏,同时还要让学生学会巧妙地运用古诗词。诗词在创作方面非常注重意境的创造,古人创造的诗词意境往往表现出含蓄而幽远的特点。因为古诗词是一种极其凝练的文学表现形式,所以它以简洁而形象的语言创造出完美的意境来表达文学作品丰富的内容和诗人的主观情感。学生在学习古诗词时会遇到许多困难,因为我们和古代诗人生活的社会背景、思想境界以及文化环境等都有着天壤之别,因此,为了帮助学生准确地把握古诗词的意境,在古诗词教学的过程中,教师既要引导学生展开联想,又要对诗歌的意境进行深层次的加工、创造和融合,让学生对诗词内容有所理解的基础上用情感化的语言表达出来。在中华民族的文学宝库中,有数以万计脍炙人口的诗词。在语文教学中若能很好地利用诗词内容丰富、语言含蓄等特点,使古诗词和语文教学内容巧妙地结合,就能更好地发挥诗词在教学中的作用。那么,古诗词如何同语文教学内容结合,又怎样发挥它的作用呢?笔者结合教学实践,谈几点粗浅的认识,以供参考。 Ancient poetry is a bright pearl in the treasure house of Chinese literature. For the study of ancient poetry, we not only teach the students to learn to read and appreciate, but also let the students learn to skillfully use the ancient poetry. Poetry in the creation of great emphasis on the creation of mood, the ancients created the poetic mood often show subtle and distant features. Because ancient poetry is an extremely condensed form of literature, it creates a perfect artistic conception in a concise and figurative language to express the rich content of literary works and the subjective feelings of poets. Students encounter many difficulties in learning ancient poems because we are different from the social background, ideological realm and cultural environment of ancient poets. Therefore, in order to help students accurately grasp the artistic conception of ancient poetry, In the process of teaching, teachers should not only guide the students to start associating, but also process, create and integrate the artistic conception of poetry in deep level so that students can express it in the language of emotion based on the understanding of the contents of the poems. In the literary treasure house of the Chinese nation, there are tens of thousands of popular poems. In the Chinese teaching, if we can make good use of the characteristics of poetry rich in content and language implication, the ancient poetry and Chinese teaching content cleverly combined, we can better play the role of poetry in teaching. So, how ancient poetry combined with the content of Chinese teaching, how to play its role? The author combines teaching practice, talk about a few superficial understanding, for reference.
脊前动脉闭塞综合征是脊髓血管病中最多见的,症状复杂、多种病因可引起。本文就其临床特点、分型及病因讨论如下: 病例报告例1,女,47岁。早晨起床突然右侧颈、肩麻木、右上