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“抓住时机,发展自己,关键是发展经济”,是小平同志南巡谈话的精髓所在。在小平同志南巡讲话的推动下,全国的改革开放从南到北,从东到西已进入了一个新的发展阶段。城市改革的中心环节是搞活大中型企业,其核心是转换企业经营机制,把企业推向市场。企业进入市场参与竞争的结果必然是优胜劣汰。国有大中型企业的危机感和竞争意识从来没有象这么强过。江西铜业公司要加速发展,并在竞争中立于不败之地,其关键是转换企业经营机制,使企业走向市场,在激烈的市场竞争中发展自己,壮大自己。 加速江西铜业公司的发展,有赖于解放思想,更新观念 解放思想,就是要使我们的思想跟上迅速发展的客观实际,使我们能放开手脚,快步前进。解放思想,就是换脑筋,脑子一活,办法也就多了。我 “Seizing the opportunity to develop ourselves is the key to economic development.” This is the essence of Comrade Xiaoping’s southern tour. With the promotion of Comrade Xiaoping’s South Tour speech, the country’s reform and opening up has moved from south to north, and from east to west has entered a new stage of development. The central link of urban reform is to invigorate large and medium-sized enterprises. The core of the reform is to transform the operating mechanisms of enterprises and push them to the market. The result of enterprises entering the market to participate in competition must be the survival of the fittest. The sense of crisis and competition of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises has never been as strong. Jiangxi Copper Company must accelerate its development and remain invincible in the competition. The key is to transform the operating mechanism of the enterprise so that the company can go to the market and develop itself and expand itself in the fierce market competition. Accelerating the development of the Jiangxi Copper Company depends on emancipating the mind, refreshing the mind, and emancipating the mind. This is to make our thinking keep up with the objective reality of rapid development, so that we can let go of our hands and move forward quickly. To emancipate our minds is to change our brains and brains. There are also many ways to go. I
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根据中央领导同志的战略部署,1993年中国开始实施“三金”工程(GOLDEN PRO—JECTS)的建设,并把它列为经济建设的重点工程。“三金”工程所描绘的宏伟蓝图,将把中华民族从农业化