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棉花“茎枯病”虽不如立枯、炭疽病那么普遍和经常发生,但逢特殊的年成,它便猖獗发生,常常威胁着棉花的生产。1651年7月初,茎枯病在关中棉区大流行,趁着蚜害,侵袭茎顶,使棉株烂头,叶片萎垂,摧毁了成片良田。1954年6月上、中旬,它在山东,河北、河南、山西、原辽西及辽 Although cotton is not as common and frequent as anthracnose, it is rampant in every special year and often threatens the production of cotton. Early July 1651, blight in the Guanzhong cotton area pandemic, taking advantage of aphid damage, invasion of the top of the stem, so that cotton plants rotten head, leaf weeping, destroyed into pieces of fertile land. In June 1954 on the middle and late, it is in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, the former Liaoxi and Liaoning
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