浅谈城市广场设计中的地域特色营造 A Brief Analysis On The Building Of The Regional Characteristics Of Urban Square De

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城市广场在现代城市中占有越来越重要的地位,但是“千城一面”的尴尬局面也显示了城市广场地域特色的缺失,如何挖掘城市地域特色是城市广场设计的重要方面,文章就体现材料、历史文脉、自然条件和民俗活动四个方面对城市广场设计的地域特色营造提出了自己的观点,为城市广场设计提供建议。 Urban square plays an increasingly important role in modern cities.But the embarrassing situation of all cities are becoming the same indicates the lack of regional characteristics of urban squares.How to excavate the regional characteristic of cities is an important aspect of the design of urban squares.This thesis proposes the view on the building of the regional characteristics of urban square design from four different points,embodied material,historical context,natural condition and folk activities,and provides suggestions for the design of urban square. However, the awkward situation of “one side of the city” also shows the lack of regional features of the city square and how to excavate the geographical features of the city is an important aspect of the design of the city square. The article embodies the material , Historical context, natural conditions and folk activities in four aspects of the design of the regional characteristics of urban plaza put forward their own views, suggestions for the design of the city square. Urban square plays an important important role in modern cities.But the embarrassing situation of all cities are becoming the same indicates the lack of regional characteristics of urban squares.How to excavate the regional characteristic of cities is an important aspect of the design of urban squares .This thesis on the building of the regional characteristics of urban square design from four different points, embodied material, historical context, natural condition and folk activities, and provides advice for the design of urban square.
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