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卫城零星气藏为被断层复杂化的中孔、中渗常温常压低凝析气藏,储层物性较好,非均质性较弱,探明含气面积4.44km2,天然气地质储量7.12×108m3,可采储量4.94×108m3。目前,该气藏已进入开发后期,整体上储量动用程度、采出程度均较高,气井低压低产,积液间开,停产井多,井筒结盐、结蜡现象严重,稳产难度大。在区域地质研究的基础上,以各断块结合部为重点研究工区,利用三维精细构造解释技术和构造-测井非线性约束储层反演等技术,分析构造形态,描述储层分布,优选有利目标,形成了复杂断块气顶零星气藏开发研究技术,实现了未动用储量的有效动用和已动用储量剩余资源的有效挖潜。通过精细构造研究,目前共提出5个有力目标区,部署调整井2口,侧钻井3口,实际投产新井3口。3口井当年累计产油1058t,产气504×104m3,当年投入按总投入的1/4折算,为500万元,当年累计创效2118万元,则投入产出比达1:4.2。 The acropolis is a medium-porosity and medium-permeability, normal-temperature and low-pressure condensate gas reservoir that is complicated by faults. The reservoir has good physical properties and weak heterogeneity, with a proven gas area of ​​4.44 km 2 and a natural gas geological reserve of 7.12 × 108m3, recoverable reserves 4.94 × 108m3. At present, the gas reservoir has entered the later stage of development. As a whole, the reserves utilization and recovery rate are relatively high. The gas wells are low-pressure and low-yielding. There are many wells open and shut down, and the wellbore salt formation and waxing are serious. Based on the study of regional geology, the authors focus on the work area with the joints of each fault and block, and use the technique of three-dimensional fine structure interpretation and the inversion of formation-logging non-linear constrained reservoir to analyze the tectonic morphology and describe the reservoir distribution. Favorable targets and formed the research and development technology of complex fault block gas domes and sporadic gas reservoirs to realize the effective utilization of unused reserves and the effective tapping of the remaining resources of the used reserves. Through the study of fine structure, at present, a total of five powerful target areas are proposed. Two adjustment wells are deployed, three are side-drilled and three are newly put into operation. In the same year, the three wells produced 1058 tons of oil and produced 504 × 104 m3 of gas. In the same year, the input was 1/4 of the total investment, and the total output was 5 million yuan. In the same year, the cumulative effect was 21.18 million yuan, and the input-output ratio reached 1: 4.2.