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在石灰岩裸露地表的山区,从地表到地下,地震波在岩石中传播的速度很高。在高速条件下,为了压制表层干扰波和消除多次波,从理论上讲,可是采用大面积和大排列迭加观测系统。但是,野外施工条件往往限制了大面积组合的应用,而且反射波的视速度由于大排列接收而降低,低速度的波又会受到大基距组合检波的压制。这样就使组合法和迭加法的应用受到一定的限制。在分析了产生这些问题的原因之后,发现若能提高地震波的观测频率,并配合适当的资料处理手段,就有可能改进野外工作方法,提高组合法和迭加法在灰岩裸露地表的山区的应用效果。 In the exposed limestone mountainous areas, from the surface to the ground, seismic waves propagate in rocks at high speeds. In high-speed conditions, in order to suppress the surface interference waves and eliminate multiple waves, in theory, but with large area and large array of observations superimposed system. However, the field construction conditions often limit the application of large area combinations, and the apparent velocity of the reflected waves decreases due to the large array of receptions, and the waves of lower speeds are suppressed by the combined detection of large base distances. This makes the combination of law and the application of superposition law subject to certain restrictions. After analyzing the causes of these problems, we found that if we can increase the observation frequency of seismic waves and cooperate with appropriate data processing methods, it is possible to improve the field work methods and improve the application of the combination method and the superposition method in the mountainous areas where the limestone is exposed effect.
国际经济词汇选译闻鉴1.世界经济新秩序:dieNeueWeltwirtschaftsordnung2.世界贸易大国:groβeWelthandelsnationen3.新的国际经济关系的支柱:eintragenderPfeilerderneuenin... International Economic Glossary New World Economic Order: dieNeueWeltwirtschaftsordnu
目的:比较高龄不孕女性体外受精/卵胞质内单精子显微注射-胚胎移植(IVF/ICSI-ET)中微量短效Gn RH-a长方案及常规短方案的促排卵效果及临床结局。方法:回顾性分析602例≥35岁
为了在解释综合铀钍矿石y测井曲线时避免进行钍和镭的专门分析,本文提出了计算铀含量的关系式:U_K=(S/A_U HC_(PM))0.01%。理论分析和实际测量表明,按此公式针算所得的铀含量U