
来源 :国外医学.口腔医学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haru
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关于自然牙列的位置,无牙颌忠者的面部结构仅能提供一些间接的线索。为了给人工牙寻找一个最适宜的位置,产生了各种生物统计测量法。从有牙齿状态保留下来的最明显的标志,似乎是切牙乳头,它已引起人们极大的注意。Harper认为上中切牙切缘应在乳头中心的前方约5~8mm处。Hickey等人则认为以8~10mm为好。Schiffman认为两侧尖牙和乳头的部分线有关。Mar-itato等人则建议把义齿边缘的内面作为建立(牙合)堤唇侧外形的一个参考指标,这一点相当于头颅测量中的A点——上齿槽座点。Johnson的研究发现,在最初三年里,齿槽突的吸收十分显著,在舌侧的吸收会累及口盖前部。Watt等人的研究发现这一区域的重新改造会使切牙乳头平均前移1.6mm,上移2.3mm,只有离开舌侧龈缘约10mm的口盖中间区,在二年半中保持不变,但这个区域 With regard to the position of the natural dentition, the facial structure of the edentulous loyal can only provide some indirect clues. In order to find the most suitable position for artificial teeth, a variety of biometric measurements have been generated. The most visible sign of keeping from the teeth seems to be an incisor, which has drawn great attention. Harper that the incisors should be located in front of the center of the nipple about 5 ~ 8mm Department. Hickey, who believes that the 8 ~ 10mm as well. Schiffman thinks the canines on both sides are related to the partial line of the nipple. Mar-itato et al. Suggested that the inner surface of the denture margin be used as a reference index for establishing the occlusal dimple profile, which corresponds to point A in the cephalometric measurement. Johnson's study found that in the first three years, the absorption of the alveolar process was significant, and the absorption on the lingual side involved the anterior flap. Watt et al.'s study found that the remodeling in this area resulted in an average of 1.6 mm advancement of the incisor nipple and an upward shift of 2.3 mm, leaving the median area of ​​the flap about 10 mm apart from the gingival margin of the lingual margin unchanged for two and a half years But this area
腭裂修复的手术年龄问题虽然至今仍持有不同的看法,并为争论的焦点之一。 根据临床观察和研究结果,多数学者指出,患者年龄较小,手术可获得满意的语音效果,而对上颌骨发育的
我科收治一例先天性右侧耳前-颊粘膜下-颌骨内-颌下瘘管一例,特介绍于下。孟某,男,两岁六个月。1986年9月26日因右耳前瘘管、右下颌骨角部明显隆起,X 线报告为下颌骨骨化纤
唇裂是口腔颌面外科常见先天畸形,但上唇定中裂很少见,上唇正中裂是胚胎发育时上颌两球状突未能融合所致,我院收治一例报告如下: 患儿性其,女,1岁。以先天性上唇正中裂入院,
星期天,毛毛熊趁妈妈不在家,和小伙伴们一起动手学妈妈的样子做馒头。“我知道,要先和面。”拉拉兔说,因为她知 Sunday, the mammoth bear while mother is not at home, an