着力抓好十项重点工作 推进基层法院科学发展

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当前,随着经济社会的迅速发展,各类矛盾纠纷日益凸显,人民法院执法办案的任务日益繁重。面对新形势、新任务,为实现人民法院工作“服务大局出水平、审执质效上台阶、队伍建设展新貌、人民群众得实惠”的奋斗目标,切实为经济社会发展提供强有力的司法保障和良好的法律服务,基层人民法院院长需要从全局工作着手,不断强化宗旨意识、服务意识、管理意识,重 At present, with the rapid economic and social development, conflicts and contradictions of various kinds have become increasingly prominent, and the people’s courts have become more and more arduous in handling cases of law enforcement. In the face of the new situation and new tasks, in order to realize the objective of “working for the overall situation of the service, improving the quality of the service, building a new outlook for team building and benefiting the masses of the people” in order to realize the people’s court work and effectively provide the social and economic development with a strong objective Strong judicial support and good legal services, the president of the people’s court at the grassroots level needs to start with the overall work and continuously strengthen the awareness of purpose, service and management,
在北京,如果自己戴上一只劳力士表,心里会有莫大的满足感。若佩戴同样的表去香港,满足感基本上就没有了, 但可以较好地被当地人认同…… In Beijing, if you put on a Rolex
Franz Poeckl(弗兰茨·珀克尔)国籍:德国工作经历:1972年毕业于德国奥格斯堡技术大学机械系,同年加入库卡焊接系统集团,曾担任过项目经理,库卡焊接系统亚洲区经理等职位,2000
1.In Chinese academia,it is only recently that political philosophers begin to have interest in the debate between political perfectionism and neutral liberalis