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图书馆的参考咨询也称参考服务。一般是指为个别查找情报的读者提供个别帮助的,并把文献检索、文摘编制、情报源的评价以及情报的口头传递都列入参考服务的范围。随着社会科学事业的发展和读者需求范围的不断扩大,图书馆的参考咨询在实践中内容不断丰富,在理论上也有了进一步的发展。但在整个图书馆学领域中还是一个薄弱环节。不同地区的社科院图书馆、参考服务的水平也相差很大。有的仍停留在一般咨询服务上,而有的却也深入到社会科学的各个领域开展咨询服务;已将计算机与其它现代化设备与人工咨询相结合,大大提高了参考咨询的水平与效率。本文拟就一步改善这项业务问题,谈几点意见。 Reference library reference service, also known as reference. It generally refers to providing individual help to readers who search for information on an individual basis. It also includes the reference service for the retrieval of documents, the preparation of abstracts, the evaluation of information sources and the oral transmission of information. With the development of the social sciences and the ever expanding range of readers’ needs, the library reference service has been continuously enriched in practice and has been further developed in theory. But it is still a weak link in the entire field of library science. Academy of Social Sciences in different regions of the library, the level of reference services vary greatly. Some still remain in the general advisory services, while others also conduct in-depth consulting services in all fields of the social sciences. The combination of computers and other modern equipment and manual consulting has greatly enhanced the level and efficiency of reference and consultation. This article intends to step up the business to improve this issue, talk a few comments.
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