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适逢新世纪之始,在中国共产党建党八十周年、新华社建社七十周年之际,本刊特邀请穆青同志开辟“我的记者生涯”专栏,讲述他记者生涯中一些令人回味、发人深省的故事。 作为当代中国新闻界的代表人物之一,穆青同志在长达六十年的记者生涯中,在各个不同时期都曾写出过脍炙人口、震撼人心的作品。他对大局的深刻把握,对历史脉搏的敏锐感知以及和普通群众的鱼水深情,尤为记者们津津乐道并为之向往。同时,他在新闻理论和领导艺术等方面的建树,也成为当代中国新闻史上的宝贵财富。 收录在本栏中的这些故事,是作者精心选择的。它们有的叙述一个典型人物的采写过程,有的记录新闻史上一个重要事件,有的就是通过讲述一次失败的采访而坦言教训。其中对一些重大报道组织指挥方面的思考,对新闻理论与实践上的探索,更凝聚着这位年届八十岁的老记者的心血。一斑窥全豹,我们深信,读者从中能得到很多启示。 历史是人们做过的事,也盛载着人们的智慧。鉴往而知来,新的世纪,我们在面向未来,积极参与竞争的同时,更应该珍视历史,珍视传统,从中汲取精华和力量,推动我们共同的事业进一步发展、壮大。 At the beginning of the new century, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and the 70th anniversary of the founding of Xinhua News Agency, this magazine invited Comrade Mu Qing to open up a column entitled “My Life for a Journalist”, recounting some memorable moments in the life of his reporter , Thought-provoking story. As one of the representatives of the contemporary Chinese press, Comrade Mu Qing has written and thrilled his works in different periods during his 60-year career as a journalist. His deep grasp of the overall situation, the keen awareness of the pulse of history, and his affection with the ordinary people’s fish and fish, especially the journalists, relished and long for it. At the same time, his achievements in news theory and leadership art have also become a valuable asset in the history of contemporary Chinese information. The stories included in this column were carefully selected by the author. Some of them describe the process of writing and writing a typical person, others record an important event in the history of the news, and some simply admit the lesson by telling a failed interview. Among them, some major reports on the organization and direction of thinking, the theory and practice of news exploration, but also the cohesion of the 80-year-old reporter of the effort. A glimpse of the whole panther, we are convinced that readers can get a lot of inspiration. History is a thing people do, but also contains people’s wisdom. In view of the facts, in the new century, while facing the future and actively participating in the competition, we should cherish history and cherish traditions. We should learn from the essence and strength and promote our common cause to further develop and grow.
聚乙烯在不良溶剂中高温结晶时 ,往往在 { 2 0 0 }面形成弧形边 .因为不良溶剂的影响 ,此时形成的临界核长度较短 .这种薄的片晶在高温条件下是热力学不稳定的 ,在缓慢的单晶