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  Host: Well, with the rise of social media, on-line 1)bullying and a growing obsession with technology, parents today face 2)an ever-increasing array of problems previous generations simply didn’t have to deal with. Questions about childrens’ Internet usage, self-harm and how to discuss the 3)prevalence of drugs and alcohol are just some of the concerns parents are submitting to ask in “Expert Week”—that’s being hosted by a website dedicated to parents with teens. One of the experts 4)fielding questions is adolescent psychologist Collette Smart. Good morning to you Collette.
  Collette Smart: Good morning.
  Host: First of all, can you make us feel better?
  Smart: (laughs)
  Host: With parents of teens, is it harder being a parent in 2013?
  Smart: I’m a parent of a teenager. I’ve got 3 children. But I would say all parents have always worried about their children, except that I think now as parents we’ve got the on-line space to 5)contend with, so we have the world in our 6)lounge rooms 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and that is something previous generations of parents have never had to deal with. So, yes, I think there’s another 7)dimension that’s very different.
  Host: Because it is a world that parents can feel very shut out from…
  Smart: Yes.
  Host: So one, I know one of the questions that you’ve been getting a lot of this week is, “how protective should parents be of their children’s on-line activity, and how can I 8)monitor it?”Smart: Look, I think we need to remember that we have to give our children space to grow and do things that are independent. Yet on one hand parents are quick to just give over everything on line yet are jumping in at the school gate complaining about everything, and moaning about everything else, but they’re not giving their children chores to do. I think we need to remember they don’t need a 40-year-old best friend. They need a parent so they need strict boundaries and structure around on-line behavior. In my practice those are the biggest issues that I’m seeing now. On-line bullying,‘sexting’ when it’s gone wrong 9)inevitably, self-harming sites, all sorts of issues that are just 10)exacerbating teen issues that are already there.
  Host: A lot of parents, I know, have said that they want to monitor their children’s on-line behavior, but kids have settings that are privacy settings that they won’t allow their parents onto. What’s the answer there?
  Smart: Look, I completely disagree with that. I think why we be okay for the rest of the world, Google, to raise our children but not us? When children say, ‘We need privacy’, it means we want privacy from our parents, not anything else. And I think as parents we need to remember that our children still need structure and boundaries, so I always advise, know your children’s passwords. Make it open. My children knew, before they became teenagers, when they got Facebook or social media, I would be checking in every now and then. Social media technology, full stop, is not in bedrooms, all our phones and devices are kept in a little table outside our bedroom at night on charge, we have meal-time, bed-time 11)curfews. It’s okay to say “no” on the on-line space. As parents we still have the skill set, we’ve been around the block a few times, we know about social interaction, so on-line space is no different.   Host: So best practice is to get in before they’ve got an on-line presence. What happens if the horse has already bolted? If you’ve got, say a 15-year-old, still very 12)vulnerable…
  Smart: Yes.
  Host: …and you can see that there’s problems occurring for them online, what can you do then?
  Smart: Be honest as a parent. Say this is a new space for me, it’s something that I’ve learned about, I’m learning about all the time, and then don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ and pull back. They need you more than ever. And so you will probably have a fight on your hands for at least 2 weeks, but once they learn that there’s a new structure, a new boundary, they will go with the flow. We know, as parents, we say ‘no’to alcohol under-age, we say ‘no’ to 13)pornography because we know it’s harmful. So reel things back in, and I think that the “Kids are alright” website, which I’m part of the expert 14)panel, there’s so many fantastic experts on there that parents can go to and actually ask questions about a whole lot of different issues.
  Host: That is great, I know a lot of parents will be very keen to be able to access all of that. Collette, thank you very much.
  Smart: Thank you.
  Host: Really appreciate your advice this morning.
  Smart: Thank you.
  斯马特:听着,我认为我们需要记得给孩子们成长的空间,让他们独立地完成事情。然而,家长们一方面很快就对孩子们的网络使用束手无策,跑到学校抱怨、唠叨,一方面却不让孩子们做家务。我想我们必须记住他们不需要一个4 0岁的好朋友。他们需要家长,因此他们的网络活动要有严格的界限和规定。在我的亲身实践中这些都是现在最重要的问题——网上恐吓、难以避免的色情信息、自残网站,这些因素都会加剧已经形成的青少年问题。
  斯马特:听着,我完全不同意(孩子们这样做)。我在想为什么我们会同意让诸如Google这些网络媒体来教育我们的孩子,而不是我们自己。当孩子们说 “我们需要隐私”时,这表明他们需要对家长保留隐私,而没有别的意思。我认为作为家长我们必须记得自己的孩子仍然需要规定和界限。所以我总是建议家长们,务必知道孩子们的密码,让它公开化。我的孩子们在他们成为青少年前,就知道,当他们有脸书或者社交媒体,我都会随时检查。社交媒体工具,不能放在在房间,就这样。在晚上,我们所有的电话和设备都会放在卧室外的小桌子上充电,我们有吃饭时间、睡觉时间的使用禁令。我们对(孩子们的)网络空间可以说“不”。作为父母我们还是有阅历的,我们接触这个社会的时间不短,知道社交是怎么一回事,因此网络空间没有什么不同。

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