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  Rachel Martin (Host): We just heard about one man’s longing for a little Germanic order amid the crowded and chaotic streets of Istanbul because, let’s be honest, the Germans are really good at order. I spent a year there reporting for NPR, and I can tell you from personal experience it is also a place where people are very conscious about personal space. On the subway, on the sidewalk, Germans are aware of how much space separates them from the nearest person. And while, of course, there are always exceptions, I’d say on the whole they prefer more space rather than less. It’s something we all think about. Sometimes it’s subconscious. How much physical space do we need around us? One place where this tension is readily apparent: the elevator.(Soundbite of Ding)
  Elevator voice: Going up.
  Martin: Is there any less desirable public space than an elevator? I mean, you get in, no one talks to you, everyone 1)averts their eyes, you 2)shuffle your feet, you try to create as much space between you and the other person as possible. People are forced to 3)intrude on each other’s personal space in an elevator. Or what about an ATM? I mean, how close should stand to the person withdrawing cash without creeping them out? Jerry Seinfeld once devoted an entire episode of his old TV show to personal space, and along the way he gave us a new term, the close-talker.

  (Soundbite of TV show, “Seinfeld”)
  Jerry Seinfeld: (as Jerry) Yeah?
  Julia Louis-Dreyfus: (as Elaine) It’s us.
  Seinfeld: (as Jerry) Come on up. It’s Elaine. You don’t have a problem with her, do you?
  Unidentified woman: We adore Elaine.
  Seinfeld: She wants to say hi. She’s with her new boyfriend.
  Unidentified woman: What’s he like?
  Seinfeld: He’s nice. Bit of a close talker.
  Unidentified woman: A what?
  Seinfeld: You’ll see.
  Martin: Kathryn Sorrells studies personal space and people’s perception of it across cultures. She’s a professor at California State University-Northridge. And she says how close you stand depends on where you’re from.
  Kathryn Sorrells: Cultural space tells us a lot. It tells us about the nature of the relationship, and people are constantly reading those things even if they are not aware of it. So, I think one thing that defines it is you’re in it and you have a feel for it and you can make sense of it. When you’re outside of it, you’re not able to define it. You’re not able to understand it and you often misinterpret it. And it has to do with kind of deep things like trust.   Martin: We thought we’d get the view on personal space from two very different parts of the world. We start with NPR’s Lourdes Garcia-Navarro in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
  Lourdes Garcia-Navarro: So, I’m in Sao Paulo’s Metro system. This is a city of 20 million people. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Some people take three hours every day just to get to work, going from one side of the city to another. But one thing you will notice when you ride the public transport systems here is that it does feel very, very different than it does in the United States—very Brazilian.
  Paula Moura: I’ve been to other countries and nobody touches each other. It seems there is space for everybody. Personal space is bigger in other countries. Here it’s not.
  Garcia-Navarro: Paula Moura works with NPR in Brazil. She says Brazil is just a lot more touchy-feely.
  Moura: If I want to go to another 4)wagon, I say, “oh, excuse me”, and touch the person.
  Garcia-Navarro: 5)PDAs? Not a problem either.
  Moura: I can see people are kissing each other at the Metro and they don’t worry about other people seeing them.
  Garcia-Navarro: In most countries in the world people are on the Metro and they’re staring at their feet or they’ve got their headphones on and they’re in their own little world. And here people are very engaged. They’re talking to one another, they’re interacting. It’s a much livelier scene than in other cities.
  (Soundbite of chatter)
  Garcia-Navarro: Another surprising aspect to life here: There is a lot of respect for the elderly and mothers with children. At the supermarket, at the cinema, at government offices, they have special lines that give these people priority. Family is important here. Even though, because of the high cost of living, they tend to be small, families are 6)close-knit. Everyone gathers on a Sunday for lunch but they often visit during the week as well. And that sense of caring translates into how people treat others in public spaces. As I’m standing on the Metro, I see a young woman offer her seat to an older one with a smile.
  Railda: (Foreign language spoken)
  Garcia-Navarro: Railda is a retiree and is now comfortably sitting down. She says she often gets offered a seat. Still, she tells me, Brazil is an incredibly violent country and she’s often nervous when out in the city.
  And that’s what makes all this contact all the more surprising. Many of the people I’ve spoken to today say that crime is one of their main concerns when they go on public transport, and yet that doesn’t stop them from this important human-to-human contact. Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, NPR News, on the Sao Paolo Metro.   Leila Fadel: And this is Leila Fadel in Cairo. This is a noisy city, a crowded city of some 16 million people. On my balcony, I can see the lady across the 7)alley 8)ironing her clothes. Last week, I was watching TV and someone yelled from the building next door to turn it down.
  (Soundbite of horn honking)
  Fadel: My producer Dina Saleh and I spent the day on a microbus. Egyptians use these minivans to get around the city for the 9)equivalent of about 25 cents. We’re 10)squished in the back next to two other women, and 12 more people are piled in. But it’s a national holiday, and Dina says this is nothing compared to a workday.
  Dina Saleh: This is not even close. Like visually, people will be sitting on top of each other, maybe hanging off the door.
  Fadel: Young boys with no cash jump on the back for a free ride.
  Unidentified man: (Foreign language spoken)

  Fadel: Walking around the city is like dealing with an 11)obstacle course. The narrow streets are made more narrow by cars 12)haphazardly parked on the sidewalks, sometimes even in the middle of the street.
  (Soundbite of horn honking)
  Fadel: So we’re standing in one of the most crowded parts of Cairo in Giza Square, where there’s really no sense of personal space. There’s no legal time to cross the street, you just cross when you can. Just now as I was talking, a man brushed up right against me and didn’t even notice, didn’t even apologize ’cause that’s normal here.
  (Soundbite of chatter)
  Fadel: In the morning, Egyptians crowd around breakfast 13)stands throughout the capital. Men serve up hot 14)fava bean 15)mash with veggies and bread. And people eat at the stand as others flash money above their heads to get service, bodies pressed up against each other. A friend jokes that by the time you get your food you need to shake the other customers out of your clothes.
  (Soundbite of chatter)
  Fadel: And without space there is no privacy. In every Cairo apartment building is the bawab, the building guard. He knows the comings and goings of every resident on the street. And to this day when a young woman is getting married, families of the groom will 16)interrogate the bawab about the potential bride. Do men come and go from the apartment? Does she come home late at night? But the closeness is also comforting. It is a fundamentally kind city. If you fall, a slew of people will rush to your aid. No one will walk by thinking “not my problem”. It is loud, crowded and 17)claustrophobic, and it is 18)maddening and wonderful at the same time.   Martin: That’s NPR’s Leila Fadel in Cairo. So, whether you’re there in Egypt or Sao Paolo, Brazil or Jerry Seinfeld’s apartment in Manhattan, remember: if Elaine’s boyfriend Aaron shows up, you might want to take a few steps in reverse.
  (Soundbite of TV show, “Seinfeld”)
  Reinhold: (as Aaron) Hi. Oh, you must be Kramer. I’ve heard about you.
  Michael Richards: (as Kramer) You must be Aaron. I’ve heard about you.

  雷拉·法德勒:这里是雷拉·法德勒在开罗的报道。这是一个喧闹的城市,也是一个约有1 6 0 0万人口的拥挤的城市。在我的阳台上,我可以看到一位女士在巷子里熨衣服。上周,我正在看电视,旁边的大厦里传来某人的大声叫喊,让我关小点儿声。   (汽车喇叭声)

   Let’s see what people think about personal spaces:
  Susan Lynch
  I’m a 60 something administrator at a large private university and take the elevator from the parking structure each morning. When I get in, I immediately engage each elevator inhabitant by asking if they are going to have a good day? We share, and as we’re about to disembark I say that, if things are going a little slow this afternoon and you’re afraid the day isn’t going as well as expected, just remember you met the Elevator Cheerleader this morning, and everything will be fine. And we all smile. It’s a great way to start the day. And our bank of elevators has the reputation of being the most interactive on campus, which gets our heads out of our electronic devices and engaging with real people. And my personal revolutionary recruitment seems to be working.
  Lemon Tree
  It is not just the personal boundary thing but also for me it is a manners thing. For instance I go to the grocery store and even before I can put the money in my wallet the next person is moving up on me to push me out of the way. It’s like giving a person a second okay? I understand on a train or at an event there will be many people and I might get bumped or whatever and I don’t necessarily expect an “excuse me” but in day to day activities when this happens I think an “excuse me” or “pardon me” goes a long way.
  Amanda Y
  I am teaching in South Korea right now and the students here... well everyone actually are very touchy-feely. My experience here has opened my eyes to a different way of interacting with people. The students here think nothing of coming and standing next to me or sitting on my leg. They play with my hair and are always touching my face. I thought this was because I am foreign with blonde hair and blue eyes which they don’t see a lot... but I find they are all open to touching their friends and family too. Girls walk down the streets holding hands or linking arms. Boys always have their arms around each other. It’s very interesting. At first I was really shocked and felt very awkward. I know in the US, if a student and teacher interacted in such a way, the teacher would probably be fired. But here, it is looked upon as unwelcoming to the students. Just...interesting.
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