
来源 :中国煤炭工业医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:www_acafa_com
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资料显示,现今我国公开发行的医学期刊共1 100余种。其中提供期刊网站服务的只占总量的33%,虽然此比例有逐年上升的趋势,但是横向比较这些网站不难发现,多数网站只设有期刊简介、投稿邮箱、目次及摘要信息,服务项目少,无法提供全文浏览,用户界面交互性差,基本停留在以纸质期刊基本信息的网络展示为目的状况。本文的意义在于试图总结中华预防医学会系列杂志在出版数字化进程中遇到各种困难,通过SWOT分析法,探究其在数字化出版发展中的优势、劣势、机会和危险,并对关键因素加以综合评估与分析,确定阻碍或促进中华预防医学会系列期刊数字化出版的关键因素,找出解决或改进的办法,建立一套可供中华预防医学会系列杂志模仿、借鉴、实践的具有现实操作意义的数字化出版盈利模型。为带动和促进中华预防医学会期刊的数字化出版,紧密联系国际数字化出版的发展方向,加强国内、国际预防医学学术、学者和学会之间的交流提供有力和顺畅的信息交互保障。 Statistics show that there are over 1,100 kinds of medical journals in public in our country today. Among them, only 33% of the total number of periodical websites is provided. Though the ratio has been increasing year by year, comparing these websites is not difficult to find out that most websites only have periodicals, posting emails, directory and summary information, service items Less, can not provide full-text browsing, user interface, poor interaction, the basic stay in paper journals basic information for the purpose of the network display. The significance of this article is to try to conclude that the series of Chinese Preventive Medicine Journal encountered various difficulties in the process of digitization of publishing and SWOT analysis method to explore the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and dangers in the development of digital publishing and to integrate the key factors Assessment and analysis to identify the key factors that hinder or promote the digital publication of the series of JMCs, find out ways to solve or improve, and establish a set of practical operation that can be imitated, borrowed and practiced by the series of Chinese Preventive Medicine Digital publishing profit model. In order to promote and promote the digital publication of the journal of Chinese Preventive Medicine, closely link the development direction of international digital publication and strengthen exchanges between domestic and international preventive medicine academics, scholars and societies to provide powerful and smooth information exchange guarantee.
选用体重为21 kg的杜×长×大杂交生长猪54头,随机分成3个处理,每个处理6个重复,每圈3头为一个重复.3个处理分别饲喂含加拿大双低菜籽粕0%、14%和20%的日粮,以确定双低菜籽粕
目的 了解定安县疟疾疫情及发热病人血检情况,为消除疟疾项目的实施和评估提供基础数据.方法 采用分层随机抽样及单纯随机抽样相结合的方法,按照疟疾发病率高、中、低三个水
目的 了解HIV/AIDS患者合并分枝杆菌感染及其耐药状况.方法 对601例HIV/AIDS患者标本用中性改良罗氏(Lowenstein-Jensen)培养基和BacT/ALERT 3D 240全自动培养仪同时进行分枝