Modeling and parameter extraction of CMOS on-chip coplanar waveguides up to 67 GHz for mm-wave appli

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmeng1984
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Coplanar waveguides(CPW) are widely used in mm-wave circuits designs for their good performance.A novel unified model of various on chip CPWs for mm-wave application,together with corresponding direct parameter extraction methodologies,are proposed and investigated,where standard CPW,grounded CPW(GCPW) and CPW with slotted shield(SCPW) are included.Several kinds of influences of different structures are analyzed and considered into the model to explain the frequency-dependent per-unit-length L,C,R,and G parameters,among which the electromagnetic coupling for CPWs with large lower ground or shield is described by a new C–L–R series path in the parallel branch.The direct extraction procedures are established,which can ensure both accuracy and simplicity compared with other reported methods.Different CPWs are fabricated and measured on 90-nm CMOS processes with Short-Open-Load-Through(SOLT) de-embedding techniques.Excellent agreement between the model and the measured data for different CPWs is achieved up to 67 GHz. Coplanar waveguides (CPW) are widely used in mm-wave circuits designs for their good performance. A novel unified model of various on chip CPWs for mm-wave application, together with corresponding direct parameter extraction methodologies, are proposed and investigated, where standard CPW , grounded CPW (GCPW) and CPW with slotted shield (SCPW) are included. Selective kinds of influences of different structures are analyzed and considered into the model to explain the frequency-dependent per-unit-length L, C, R, and G parameters, among which the electromagnetic coupling for CPWs with large lower ground or shield is described by a new C-L-R series path in the parallel branch. direct acquisition procedures are established, which can ensure both accuracy and simplicity compared with other reported methods. Different CPWs are fabricated and measured on 90-nm CMOS processes with Short-Open-Load-Through (SOLT) de-embedding techniques. Excellent agreement between the model and the measured data for differe nt CPWs is achieved up to 67 GHz.
The kinetic parameters of generation have been obtained for different hydrocarbon classes, including methane, C2-C5 gas hydrocarbons, C6-C13 light hydrocarbons
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