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我国一般把六十岁以上的人称为老年人。据估计,我国目前约有九千万老年人,占总人口的9%,各公共图书馆都有一些老年读者。因此,图书馆在研究一般读者心理的同时,也应该研究老年读者的心理。老年读者具有与青年读者、儿童读者及其他读者不同的特点,主要表现在借书形式和借书内容两个方面。一、在借书形式上。老年读者到馆后一般喜欢自行到书架上查找所要借的书,或询问一下工作人员是否有某种书,既不象青年读者那样到馆后习惯先查目录,也不象儿童读者那样具有盲目性。二、在借书内容上。老年读者的阅读兴趣比较稳定,大多爱看历史书籍、人物传记、古典小说等,倾向于真实性和资料性。 My country generally refers to people over the age of 60 as the elderly. It is estimated that there are about 90 million elderly people in our country, accounting for 9% of the total population. There are some older readers in public libraries. Therefore, while studying the general reader’s psychology, the library should also study the psychology of senile readers. Elderly readers have different characteristics from young readers, children readers and other readers, mainly in the form of borrowing books and borrowing content. First, in the form of borrowing books. Elderly readers generally prefer to go to the shelves to find books to borrow on their own shelves, or ask the staff if there is a book, not like the young readers used to look after the museum directory, nor as blind as children’s readers Sex. Second, in the content of the book. Elderly readers read more stable interest, most like to see history books, biographies, classical novels, etc., tend to authenticity and information.
羊水栓塞为产科严重的并发症,发病急,病情危重,预后差,病死率高。我科1972年曾发现1例,报道如下: 患者:沈××,女,34岁,工人,孕2产1,预产期1972年元月31日,于1972年元月26日
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