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党的十一届三中全会以来,全国城乡经济改革取得了很大的成就。实践证明,党中央提出的改革开放方针是正确的。经过十年改革开放,我国经济实力有了明显的增强。代表经济实力的综合指标,主要是国民生产总值和国民收入。1988年我国国民生产总值达到13000多亿元,国民收入11100多亿元。我国几个主要农副产 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, great achievements have been made in the economic reform in urban and rural areas throughout the country. Practice has proved that the guiding principle of reform and opening up put forward by the Central Party Committee is correct. After a decade of reform and opening up, China’s economic strength has been significantly enhanced. The overall indicators of economic strength are mainly gross national product and national income. In 1988, China’s GNP reached more than 1.3 trillion yuan and its national income exceeded 11.1 billion yuan. Several major agricultural and sideline products in our country
To obtain the coupling characteristics between slab wave-guides including left-handed material,we modify the coupled wave equations by using Maxwell’s equation
We have studied the spin-dependent electron transmission through a quantum well driven by both dipole-type and homogeneous oscillating fields. The numerical eva
目的:构建人Gax基因真核表达载体,并观察在兔血管平滑肌细胞中的表达。方法:通过PCR从pCMV-SPORT6-Gax质粒中扩增出人Gax cDNA片段,经双酶切后装入到有绿色荧光蛋白报告基因