1927年,日本首相田中义一炮制出侵略中国的绝密计划,上奏天皇,这就是尔后震惊世界的《田中奏折》。不到两年,秘藏于天皇御文库的《田中奏折》的抄本放到了张学良的案头,不久便披露于世,在亚洲和世界引起巨大反响。何人从戒备森严的皇宫中偷抄出《田中奏折》?他就是在日经商的爱国志士蔡智堪。奉张学良、王家祯之命,蔡智堪巧妙利用日本政党间的矛盾,两次潜入皇宫,抄下长达78页的奏章,为揭露日本侵华阴谋立下了不朽功绩。 1929年的东京之夏,宽阔的皇宫护城河边,树林茂密,景色秀丽,游人如织。这时,迎着艳丽的晚霞,从远处走来一对颇具魅力的男女。男的中等身材,刚健英武;女的是典型的欧洲窈窕女郎,她闪着顾盼有神的两只水汪汪的大眼,颇感兴趣地问她身边的男子:“蔡智堪先生,这护城河叫什么名字?” “丽莎,它和你一样,都有个讨人喜欢的名
In 1927, Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka made a top-secret plan to invade China and played the emperor. This is the “memorial to Tanaka” that shocked the world later. Less than two years later, the transcript of Tianzhong Memorial, hidden in Emperor Imperial’s library, was put on Zhang Xueliang’s account and was soon revealed to the world, arousing great repercussions in Asia and the world. Who from the heavily guarded palace to steal a copy of “Tianzhong memorials”? He is the Japanese patriotic Tsai Chi Kan. Since Zhang Xueliang and Wang Jiazhen’s death, Tsai Chi-kan has cleverly used the contradictions among Japanese political parties, sneaked into the palace twice, and copied a 78-page memorial that laid down an immortal merit in exposing Japan’s conspiracy to invade China. The summer of 1929 in Tokyo, the broad palace moat, dense forests, beautiful scenery, visitors. At this time, facing the gorgeous sunset, come from afar a pair of attractive men and women. The average figure of a man, vigorous and energetic; woman is a typical European scruffy girl, she shines with two watery eyes staring at God, with interest to ask her side of the man: “Mr. Cai Zhikan, the moat What’s the name? ”" Lisa, it has a liking name, just like you