欢迎订阅2003年度World Journal of Gastroenterology~((R))

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美国科学情报研究所(ISI),2001年《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)报道我国科技期刊59种,其中包括医学领域3种,分别为WJG影响因子1.445,中国药理学报英文版影响因子0.631,中华医学杂志英文版影响因子0.108.ScienceCitation Index-Expanded(SCI-E)收录世界领先的胃肠病学和肝病学杂志 44种,其中包括WJG。Current Contents/Clinical Medicine(即时目次/临床医学)收录世界领先的 1130种期刊和书所登载的文章,社论,会议摘要,评论及其他重要信息的完整的书刊目次信 The Journal of the National Institute for Scientific Research (ISI) and the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) in 2001 have reported 59 kinds of Chinese sci-tech journals including 3 WJG impact factors of 1.445 and English version of Chinese Journal of Pharmacology Factor 0.631, and English version of the Chinese Journal of Medicine. Impact Factor 0.108.ScienceCitation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) contains 44 of the world’s leading journals of gastroenterology and hepatology, including WJG. Current Contents / Clinical Medicine includes a complete list of titles in articles, editorials, abstracts, comments, and other important information posted on the world’s leading 1130 journals and books
AIM:To investigate the effects and mechanisms of ischemicpreconditioning(IPC)on the ischemia/reperfusion(I/R)injuryof liver cirrhosis in rats and the effect of
1999年1月至2000年6月,我们用四川成都华华制药公司的亮菌口服液,治疗活动性肝炎肝硬化30例,收到了较好效果,现报告如下。 1 资料和方法 1.1 病例选择全部病例系本院住院患
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炮长主瞄准具烟幂弹发射器美国M1A2主战坦克总体布置图 Artillery master aimed at smoke power ammunition launchers the United States M1A2 main battle tank overall l
我院自1996年11月~2001年12月共收治胃及十二指肠溃疡穿孔184例 ,现就手术处理体会报道如下。1临床资料1 1一般资料 :本组184例 ,男156例 ,女28例 ,男女比例为5 6 :1 ;年龄22~72岁 ,中位年龄47岁 ,有明显溃疡史者124例
AIM:To study the therapeutic efficacy of temporary partially-covered metal stent insertion on benign esophageal stricture.METHODS:Temporary partially-covered m