大力推进科技创新与进步 为建设新农村提供强大科技支撑

来源 :宁波通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjunfeng_1988
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11月15日,宁波市委、市政府召开全市农业科技大会。市委副书记郭正伟、副市长陈炳水、余红艺出席会议,市级有关部门负责人,各县(市、区)分管领导,县(市、区)相关部门领导和乡镇负责人,涉农大专院校、科研院所领导,市农业产业基地、农业科技园区负责人,市级农业高新技术企业、市级农业龙头企业、农技推广服务机构代表,以及获省、市级表彰的农业科技先进工作者和市农业科技先进集体代表参加会议。市委副书记郭正伟、副市长陈炳水代表市委、市政府就深化认识,加大改革创新力度,全面提升新农村建设的科技支撑力分别作了重要讲话。 November 15, Ningbo municipal government held the city’s agricultural science and technology conference. Municipal Party Committee deputy secretary Guo Zhengwei, vice mayor Chen Bingshui, Yu Hongyi attended the meeting, municipal authorities responsible for the county (city, district) in charge of the leadership of the county (city, district) leaders of relevant departments and township-level, agricultural tertiary institutions , Leaders of research institutes, agricultural industry bases in cities, heads of agricultural science and technology parks, municipal agricultural high-tech enterprises, municipal leading agricultural enterprises, representatives of agricultural extension service agencies, and advanced agricultural science and technology workers And the city of agricultural science and technology advanced collective representatives to attend the meeting. Deputy Party Secretary Guo Zhengwei and Vice Mayor Chen Bingshui made important speeches respectively on behalf of the municipal party committee and municipal government on deepening understanding, intensifying reform and innovation, and comprehensively enhancing the scientific and technological support for the new rural construction.
136例成人菌阴不典型活动性肺结核病例均经组织学证实,病变部位不典型42例,占30.9%;病灶形态学不典型86例,占63.2%;X线征象难以判断病灶的活动性4例,占2.9%;无反应性肺结核病2例,占1.4%。 136 cases of atypical
企业如何贯彻党的十四届四中全会精神,加强企业党组织建设,是领导们关心的问题。就这个主题,本刊主编刘明辉同志采访了福日集团党委书记、董事长唐文合同志。 How the enter
实践受理论指导,行为受思维指挥。认识和谐社会的内涵必须从哲学层面,从辩证法上认识把握和谐与矛盾的辩证关系。 Practice is guided by theory and behavior is guided by
传统治疗肺结核咯血方法很多,但效果欠理想,副作用大。我们应用酚妥拉明治疗肺结核大咯血,获得了更为满意的效果。现报告如下。 1 材料和方法 1.1 一般资料我院1990年~1993