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近年来,某些地区、某些行业重特大恶性事故频频发生,而几乎每一起重大责任事故的背后都游荡着权力腐败乃至职务犯罪的幽灵。监察部负责人最近强调:要把查处事故工作和反腐败斗争有机结合起来,注意发现和查处事故背后的腐败问题,各级纪检监察机关要把事故调查处理工作与领导干部廉洁自律、查处违纪违法案件、纠正部门和行业不正之风三项工作有机结合起来,通过查办案件,分析和掌握其内在的特点和规律,并建立起相应的监督制约机制,采取措施,堵塞漏洞,防止腐败现象的蔓延。 In recent years, in some areas, serious and serious incidents in some industries have taken place frequently. And behind almost every major accident there is a specter of power corruption and even official crimes. The chief of the supervision department recently emphasized: organically combine the investigation and handling of accidents and the fight against corruption, pay attention to the detection and investigation of the corruption behind the accidents, and discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should hone the discipline and discipline of leading cadres and deal with discipline violations Cases, corrections departments and unhealthy tendencies in the industry are organically integrated. Through investigating and handling cases, analyzing and grasping their inherent characteristics and laws, and establishing corresponding supervisory and control mechanisms, measures are taken to plug loopholes and prevent the spread of corruption .
Two new triterpene fatty esters, 33-tetradecanoyl moradiol 1 and 3β-dodecanoyl moradiol 2, were isolated from Scorzonera mongolica. Their structures were eluci
Intel公司推出的采用MMX技术专为便携机设计的233MHz的奔腾处理器,使笔记本电脑电池寿命延长、功能更加强劲 Intel introduced the 233MHz Pentium processor designed spec
HP的LaserJet 6L将6ppm的打印引进LaserJet系列的廉价机器中。 HP’s LaserJet 6L introduces 6ppm printing into the cheap LaserJet series of machines.
最近我们对杉木黄化病进行了初步调查,现将调查情况简介如下:杉落叶菌(LophodermiumUncinatum Darker)是真菌中星裂菌科散班菌属的一种盘菌。寄生在杉木基部枝条的针叶上,引
A new compound,8,8′-dienecyclostellettamine,was isolated from the marine sponge Amphimedon compressa.Its structure was elucidated by spectroscopic methods incl