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人们常说婆媳是天生的对头,其实家翁也不好当,否则怎么会有“不痴不聋,不做家翁”的古话。我自当家翁后谨言慎行,与儿媳妇相处虽不热也不冷,好在同城生活,一周相聚两次,至少没有发生过正面冲突。不久前,在儿子家帮忙带3岁孙女的亲家因病住院,我临时受命到儿子家带孙女。开始,我们相安无事,但一周后矛盾爆发。事情发生得很偶然。那天,我哄好孙女上幼儿园,一路上,她还算听话,离幼儿园很近了,她却突然挣开我的手哭喊着往家跑。这一幕刚好被儿媳妇看见了,她责怪我没有注意孙女的安全。事出突 It is often said that a mother-in-law is a natural enemy, in fact, the family is not a good man, or how there would be “an idiot, not a man,” the old adage. Since I was a man, I was cautious and cautious, and daughter-in-law get along not hot nor cold, good city life, get together twice a week, at least no positive conflict occurred. Not long ago, when my son’s family helped bring his 3-year-old granddaughter’s relatives to hospital because of illness, I was temporarily appointed to bring her son’s family with her granddaughter. At the beginning, we were at peace, but a week later the conflict broke out. Things happen by chance. That day, I coaxed my granddaughter on kindergarten, along the way, she was obedient, very close from the kindergarten, she suddenly broke my hand and cried ran home. This scene was just seen by the daughter-in-law, and she blamed me for not paying attention to the granddaughter’s safety. Things go wrong
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The reactions of gallic acid with higher fatty alcohols are acceterated by microwavesunder solvent-free conditions in the presence of p-toluenesulfonic acid to
我厂DMT装置中的热载体泵是联邦德国KSB公司生产的HPK-SVM 250—500型泵。该泵的轴功率为230kW,转速为1480r/min,工作温度为300℃,压力为20kgf/cm~2,工作介质为三联苯。该泵
The titled compound 1 as well as compounds 2 and 3 with similar chemical structures were prepared and characterized. The magnetic properties of 1 were investiga