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去年年底,朱雅芬教授应本刊邀请在我国美丽的名胜——桂林,举办了为期7天的《钢琴教学师资班》。在紧张、愉快的生活中,参加学习的基层教师们无不觉得学有所获。他们各自记下了自己的听课笔记,有的还在师资班结束后专门写来了自己学习的心得体会。小到一首作品的某个小节的处理,大到一种音乐风格的把握。他们对朱老师教学各有不同的收获。他们说朱老师的教学深入浅出,循循善诱,但又很有逻辑章法,毫不凌乱,让参加培训的老师不仅学到了一些演奏技术,音乐知识,更学到了一些教学法方面的经验。下面我们就选载一些老师的随堂笔记。让没能出席的教师,也能略知点滴师资班上的教学内容。——编者 At the end of last year, Professor Zhu Yafen invited the magazine to invite the “Piano Teaching Staff Class” in Guilin, a beautiful scenic spot in our country. In the stressful and happy life, grassroots teachers participating in the study feel that they have learned something. They each took notes of their lectures, and some even wrote their experiences of learning after the teacher classes. As small as a section of a piece of work, as large as a musical style. They all have different harvests in teaching Zhu. They said that Zhu’s teaching was simple and profound, and was well-enticed. However, it was very logical and not messy. The teachers who attended the training not only learned some playing skills and musical knowledge, but also learned some pedagogical experiences. Here we choose some of the teacher’s notes. Let not attend the teachers, but also a little bit drip teacher classes teaching content. --editor
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