确保群众过好“两节” 确保“两会”顺利召开

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今年以来,在党中央、国务院的正确领导下,按照省委、省政府的工作部署,全省上下始终坚持发展这个第一要务,积极进取,扎实工作,保持了国民经济的快速健康发展,预计全年国内生产总值可达4634亿元,增长9.6%,经济增长的速度、质量、效益同步提高,各项社会事业全面进步。但我省经济社会发展还存在一些矛盾和问题,部分群众还存在不少实际困难。目前已经临近元旦、春节,全省人大、政协“两会”即将召开。各级各部门各单位务必高度重视,同心协力,迅速采取妥当、有效措施,把确保群众过好“两节”、确保“两会”顺利召开作为当前一项重要工作抓紧抓好。 Since the beginning of this year, under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, in accordance with the work plan of the provincial party committee and government, the province has always adhered to the top priority of development and has been working proactively and steadfastly to maintain the rapid and healthy development of the national economy. The gross domestic product of the year can reach 463.4 billion yuan, an increase of 9.6%. The speed, quality and efficiency of economic growth have been enhanced simultaneously, and various social undertakings have been making progress in an all-round way. However, there are still some contradictions and problems in the economic and social development in our province, and some of the masses still have many practical difficulties. Now approaching New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, the NPC, CPPCC “two sessions ” is about to be held. The units at all levels and departments must attach great importance to their concerted efforts and promptly take appropriate and effective measures to ensure that the masses are doing a good job in ensuring that the masses are at a premium and ensure that the NPC and CPPCC are held successfully as an important task at present.
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