抓精神文明建设 促贫困农场职工队伍思想转化

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近年来,干胶售价连续大幅下跌,致使以干胶为主要收入来源的农场陷入困境,其中相当部分农场日子不好过。这些农场的职工,思想波动,工作不同程度受到影响。稳定职工队伍,是贫困农场的当务之急。一、大力弘扬企业精神,激发职工奋发向上。企业精神是企业在较长时期的发展过程中培养起来的,它高度概括了本企业的成功之路,为职工所公认、所接受。弘扬企业精神,必须相对集中时间,在企业中自上而下、自下而上地进行系统教育,并把系统集中教育与经常性教育结合起来,使企业精神家喻户晓、深入人心。要在公共场所醒目处书写企业精神,造成浓厚的气氛。通过弘扬企业精神,使职工以企业为家,与企业同生存、共命运,为振兴企业奋发图强,尽职尽责。二、进行场史教育,认清农场的前途和希望。不少农场,都经过一段艰难曲折的创业过程,而这个过程同时又是农场的光辉历史。进行场史教育,从中总结出几条切合实际的而又能反映本农场发展规律的经验。用于教育职工,使职工清楚地看到,困难与挫折不能阻碍农场的发展,更使职工看清农场的潜力,受到鼓舞和激励。三、强化民主管理,增强农场的凝聚力。一是坚持建立健全职工代表大会制度,定期听取审议 In recent years, the continuous sharp drop in the selling price of dry glue, resulting in dry glue as the main source of income in troubled farms, including a considerable part of the farm life is not good. The staff and workers in these farms have fluctuated their thinking and work to varying degrees. Stabilizing the workforce is a top priority for poor farms. First, vigorously promote the entrepreneurial spirit, to inspire workers to make progress. Entrepreneurial spirit is the enterprise in the longer period of development in the process of training up, it highly summarized the success of the enterprise, the workers recognized, accepted. Carrying forward the spirit of enterprise, we must relatively concentrate time, top-down in the enterprise, bottom-up system education, and the system of centralized education and regular education combined to make the entrepreneurial spirit well-known, enjoys popular support. To highlight the eye-catching public places entrepreneurial spirit, resulting in a strong atmosphere. Through the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit, so that employees to business as a home, and business survival, a total destiny, to revitalize the enterprise to make pains and efforts, due diligence. Second, field history education, recognize the future and hope of the farm. Many farms have gone through a difficult and tortuous start-up process, which is also a glorious history of the farm. Field history education, summed up a few practical but can reflect the law of development of the farm experience. It is used to educate staff and workers so that staff and workers can clearly see that difficulties and setbacks can not hinder the development of the farm and make the staffs more aware of the potential of the farm and are encouraged and motivated. Third, strengthen democratic management and enhance farm cohesion. First, adhere to establish and improve the workers’ congress system, listen regularly
1 前言 近来发生的许多地震表明,地震场地条件对地面运动可以产生显著的影响。对线性和非线性土,用一维和二维模型进行了许多考虑软土层影响的有关地面运动修正的研究。虽然
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临床试验用免疫球蛋白制品作为被动免疫措施其声誉不佳。但那都是在乙型肝炎还不能与其他类型肝炎鉴别、制品中的特异性抗—HBs 的含量还不能测定的时候所得到的结果。利用