
来源 :中华健康管理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weigangming
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目的:探讨基于互联网的血压监测管理平台对高血压前期人群的干预效果。方法:将2019年8至12月在长沙市中南大学湘雅三医院体检的158例高血压前期人群按照随机数字表法分为试验组78例、对照组80例,干预时长均为12个月,试验组给予基于互联网的血压监测管理平台管理,对照组给予首次电话+短信随访常规健康管理。比较2组研究对象血压值、血压达标率、高血压前期相关知识认知、生活方式变化情况。结果:干预后,试验组收缩压和舒张压分别为(77.41±8.21)和(124.79±9.71)mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),均显著低于干预前的(128.29±5.10)和(79.99±6.01)mmHg,且均显著低于对照组干预后的(130.00±7.78)和(80.33±7.90)mmHg(均n P<0.05);试验组血压达标率显著优于对照组(23.08%比8.75%)(n P<0.05);试验组高血压前期相关知识认知评分、主动限盐、主动控油、每天吸烟量和每周锻炼次数等生活方式改变较干预前均明显改善,且均显著优于对照组(均n P<0.05)。n 结论:基于互联网的血压监测管理平台干预能够有效控制高血压前期人群的血压水平,提高其对高血压前期相关知识认知,改善其生活方式。“,”Objective:To explore the intervention effects of an Internet-based blood pressure monitoring and management platform in a prehypertensive population.Methods:One hundred and fifty-eight prehypertensive patients who were examined at the Third Xiangya Hospital in Changsha, China, from August to December 2019 were randomly divided into either the experimental or control groups using the random number table method. The experimental group utilized an Internet-based blood pressure monitoring and management platform, whereas the control group utilized regular telephone and SMS health management routines. The intervention duration was 12 months for both groups. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, n t-tests, chi-square tests, χn 2 tests, and rank-sum tests.n Results:Post intervention systolic blood pressure (124.79±9.71 mmHg) (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa) and diastolic blood pressure measurements (77.41±8.21 mmHg) of the participants in the experimental group were significantly lower than those before the intervention (128.29±5.10 mmHg and 79.99±6.01 mmHg, respectively), and significantly lower than those of the control group′s measurements after the intervention (130.00±7.78 mmHg and 80.33±7.90 mmHg, respectively) (all n P<0.05). The blood pressure goal attainment rate was significantly higher in the experimental group (23.08%) than that of the control group (8.75%), with statistically significant differences within the experimental group before and after intervention, as well as between the groups post intervention (n P<0.05). Positive lifestyle changes, such as prehypertension knowledge score, active restriction and control of salt and oil intake, reduction of smoking, and exercising weekly, were significantly higher than those in the control group before the intervention (alln P<0.05).n Conclusion:The use of an Internet-based blood pressure monitoring and management platform can effectively help patients with prehypertension control their blood pressure levels, improve their knowledge about the condition, and improve their lifestyle choices.
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目的:探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病(简称慢阻肺)患者体质指数(BMI)对肺功能的影响。方法:选取2016年8月至2020年8月于兰州大学第一医院老年呼吸科门诊及住院慢阻肺患者3 312例,其中稳定期1 103例,急性加重期2 209例。根据BMI分为低体重组(稳定期56例和急性加重期131例)、正常体重组(稳定期448例和急性加重期945例)、超重组(稳定期424例和急性加重期773例)及肥胖组(稳定期175和急性加重期360例)。采用MasterScreen PFT肺功能仪测定肺功能:深吸气量(IC)、肺活量(