Yu Hua's Brothers in and out of China:A Critical Review

来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:douliangster
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This article offers a critical review of the existing evaluation of Brothers,both the Chinese and English texts,focused on reviews of the English translation,through which the reception of the novel is examined.It is found that unlike the heated controversy over the novel in China,Brothers received warm critical reception in the English-speaking world,though also with criticism.However,there are still insufficient reviews of the English version,concerning its translation quality and style.Thus,“translator’s invisibility”is still a common phenomenon.It is therefore concluded that a sociological analysis of its production,circulation and reception in the target culture is both significant and worthwhile to shed new light on the mechanism by which Chinese literature can be successfully exported. This article offers a critical review of the existing evaluation of Brothers, both the Chinese and English texts, focused on reviews of the English translation, through which the reception of the novel is examined. It is found that unlike the heated controversy over the novel in China, Brothers received warm critical reception in the English-speaking world, though also with criticism. However, there are still insufficient reviews of the English version, concerning its translation quality and style.Thus, “translator’s invisibility ” is still a common phenomenon. It was therefore that a sociological analysis of its production, circulation and reception in the target culture is both significant and worthwhile to shed new light on the mechanism by which Chinese literature can be successfully exported.
人们很早就懂得将学到的知识应用到生活中.当然也包括应用在战争中。下面就在历史的长河中撷取点点浪花,折射一下物理知识在战争中的应用吧! 利用声音声音的传播先秦时代.诸
今年这个四月,是我外出最频繁的一个月。  且不提江西广丰的红木产业园奠基和红木街开街时的爆竹声还未散去,宜兴的论证会就开锣了。尽管有常熟的禧徕乐在先,但宜兴凭着紫砂泥预热了中式文化的土壤和优越的区位条件,以期打造一个更具规模的红木产业园。这没有什么不行的!做事情,决心和魄力最重要,何况是有更多的支持与支撑呢!  宜兴之后的下一站是河北青县。青县隶属沧州,但离着廊坊地区的大城县非常近,几公里外就是大