冬种蚕豆好 得粮又得肥

来源 :广西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tian_mizhen
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我队在1977年冬种蚕豆二十一亩,占稻田面积的16%。平均亩产蚕豆184斤,其中有六亩亩产325斤。平均亩产鲜苗1850斤。实践证明,蚕豆粗生易种,需肥少,有根瘤,能提高地力,起养用结合的作用;以苗为肥,收豆为粮,粮、肥双收。我们冬种蚕豆夺丰收的主要措施,有如下几项:一、适时播种。蚕豆全生育期为120天左右,适时早播,产量较高。一般在立冬至小雪最为适时。立冬前种植,气温较高,出苗后易招蚜虫为害,小雪后气温渐低,出苗弱,影响早生快发。我队去冬早播的比迟播的植株分枝多,结荚位低,荚、粒较多而饱满。二、整地起厢。蚕豆性喜爽水土地,最怕滞水,特别是后期滞水,容易出现凋枯。因此,我队冬种蚕豆田,都经过一犁二耙,起成5—6尺为一厢,深挑厢沟,以利排水。这样植株生长正常,产量较高。但山冲田因滞水,蚕豆植株矮小,根瘤很少,虽补施尿素,亩产只有102斤。排水不良,亩产不高。三、开行点播。蚕豆植株较高,分枝多,一般株高60—90厘米。种得过密,苗多荚少;种得稀疏,亩产也不高。我们的经验, Our team planted 21 acres of winter bean in winter 1977, accounting for 16% of the paddy field area. The average yield of 184 pounds of broad beans, of which six acres of mu produce 325 pounds. The average mu produce 1850 pounds of fresh seedlings. Practice has proved that broad bean crude easy to grow, need less fertilizer, nodules, can improve soil fertility, play a role with the combination; to seedling as fertilizer, harvest beans for grain, grain and fat double income. We win the winter beans broad bean harvest the main measures, as follows: First, timely sowing. Broad bean period of about 120 days of full growth, timely sowing, higher yield. Winter is generally in the winter to the most timely light snow. Planting before winter, the temperature is high, after the emergence of aphids easy to move harm, the temperature after the snow is getting low, weak emergence, affecting the early fast hair. My team early winter broadcast late plantation more than late branches, pod bit low, pods, tablets and more full. Second, from the beginning of the earth. Broad bean hi fresh water, the most afraid of stagnant water, especially late stagnant water, prone to withered. Therefore, my team winter faba bean field, after a plow two harrows, played 5-6 feet for the one, pick deep, to facilitate drainage. This plant grows normally, yield is higher. However, due to stagnation of Okinawa stagnant water, broad bean plants short, very few nodules, although urea supplementation, only 102 pounds per mu. Poor drainage, per mu is not high. Third, open on-demand. Broad bean plants higher, more branches, the general plant height of 60-90 cm. Seed too dense, seedlings less pods; sparse species, per mu is not high. Our experience,