
来源 :交通建设与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmy870129
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近日,交通运输部发布《关于2014年全国公路建设市场督查情况的通报》,公布了全国公路建设市场总体情况和存在的主要问题,通报了典型违法违规行为,并对下一步工作提出明确要求。督查发现,全国公路建设市场秩序基本规范,制度建设基本完善,招标投标活动总体规范,以施工标准化为重点的现代工程管理得到加快推进,信用体系建设不断深入,违法违规行为查处维持高压态势。同时,公路建设市场仍然存在违反基建程序、违规招标投标、人员履约不到位、信用评价不规范等问题。交通运输部要求各地加大市场信息公开力度,重点整治围标串标、出借资质,转包和违法分包等突出问题。通过汇总2014年各省级交通运输主管部门对公路施工企业不良行为的处理结果,交通运输部对19家存在严重违法违规行为的企业予以曝光。 Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the “Circular on the Supervision of the National Highway Construction Market in 2014”, released the overall situation of the national highway construction market and its main problems, noticed the typical illegal acts and made clear demands on the next steps . The inspection found that the basic standards of the national road construction market, the basic improvement of the system, the general regulation of bidding and tendering activities, the accelerated construction of modern projects focusing on construction standardization, the continuous improvement of the credit system and the investigation and handling of illegal behaviors were under high pressure. At the same time, there are still problems in the road construction market such as infringement of infrastructure procedures, illegal tendering and bidding, inadequate performance of personnel, and non-standard credit evaluation. The Ministry of Transport demanded that all localities should increase the publicity of market information, and focus on rectifying the outstanding issues such as the standardization of bids, loan qualification, subcontracting and illegal subcontracting. By summarizing the results of handling the bad behaviors of highway construction enterprises by the competent provincial transportation authorities in 2014, the Ministry of Transport exposed the 19 enterprises that had serious violations of laws and regulations.
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