调整优化产品结构 应对贸易技术壁垒 轮胎助剂炭黑企业密切关注TPMS和REACH

来源 :中国橡胶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jakieli
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随着经济的发展,安全、环保、绿色已成为世界橡胶工业的发展主题,同时也成为我国轮胎、助剂、炭黑等产品进入国际市场的贸易技术壁垒。TPMS(轮胎气压监测系统)作为OEM的安全系统,将在2~3年内列入北美和欧盟的法规中强制执行。REACH是当前欧盟出台的综合性最强、涉及面最广、程序最为复杂的化学品管理法规,今年6月1日起开始实施。《调整优化产品结构应对贸易技术壁垒轮胎助剂炭黑企业密切关注TPMS和REACH》一文提醒生产企业,要特别注意了解和掌握这两个国际法规,及时调整和优化产品结构,早做准备。 With economic development, safety, environmental protection and greening have become the development themes of the rubber industry in the world. At the same time, it has also become the technical barriers to trade of products such as tires, additives and carbon black entering the international market. TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System), an OEM safety system, will be enforced in North American and European Union regulations within two to three years. REACH is the most comprehensive and comprehensive program covering the most complicated and complicated procedures in the current EU, starting from June 1 this year. “Adjustment and optimization of product structure to deal with technical barriers to trade Tire additive carbon black enterprises pay close attention to TPMS and REACH,” a text to remind manufacturers to pay special attention to understand and grasp these two international laws and regulations, timely adjustment and optimization of product structure, as early as possible preparation.
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