
来源 :电声技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chiale
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介绍了当一个电子声学增强系统集成安装在一个围闭空间的建筑表面上时,在该场所整体中所体验到的声学状态,是由该系统与建筑表面之间的互动而产生的。描述了在配置建筑元素,以及构建电子声学增强系统以满足用户和观众的期望上,每个场地都提出了不同的挑战,以及与获得成功的结果密不可分的重要因素。 Describes an acoustical condition experienced throughout the site as an electronic acoustics enhancement system is integrally mounted on a building surface in a confined space resulting from the interaction of the system with the building surface. Describes the different challenges each venue poses in terms of configuring architectural elements and building electronic acoustics enhancement systems to meet the needs of users and viewers, as well as an important factor that is inextricably linked with the success of the project.
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利用数据挖掘技术改进煤矿企业传统的信息管理系统,同时,在建立数据仓库模型的基础上,借助QL Server中的数据管理工具,可以有效地实现在英特网和企业内部网上实现煤矿信息挖掘。