The Classic Lines of A Love so Beautiful

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  ⒈Life is long. You won’t be the only one I plan to love. Life is long. But you are the only one that I actually love.
  ⒉Chen Xiaoxi, the world is not as small as your washing room. It is not easy for me to fi nd you.
  ⒊"I like you."
  "I don’t like you."
  "Ok… let me think it over."
  ⒋In a relationship, the one who loves more is more willing to give in①.
  ⒌I love you so much.
  Although there must be
  a girl in this world who is
  taller, thinner, prettier, smarter,
  more gentle and thoughtful than you,
  she has nothing to do with② me..
  ⒍Every now and then,it’s the hardest thing in the world to admit that you can’t live without another person.
  ⒎Chen Xiaoxi, I am so grateful that you could come back and we could ever be the same.
In my next life I want to live backwards.  You start out dead and get that out of the way.  Then you wake up in an old people’s home①  feeling better every day.  You get kicked out② for being too heal
A psychologist found that if a person talks more than 90% of useless words, then he is happy. If the useless words are less than 50%, then the sense of happiness he feels is not enough. In communicati
精确的痛苦,模糊的欢乐。我在想,  人们在医生面前描述自己的痛苦是多么精确。  即使不曾学会读写的人也是精确的:  “这儿是抽痛,那儿是绞痛,  这儿是挤痛,那儿是烧痛,这儿是刺痛,  那个——噢,是隐隐作痛。这儿,就在这儿,  对对。”欢乐总是模糊的。我听到有些人  在成夜的寻欢作乐之后说:“真是太棒了,  我開心得快飞上天了。”即使抓着宇宙飞船  飞到太空的宇航员,也只会说:“太好了,  妙极
心理学家发现:一个人说的話若90%以上是废话,他就快乐。若废话不足50%,快乐感则不足。在交流中,没有太强目的性的语言,更容易让人亲近。——所以,我们每天都在找“幸福”。  幸福是什么呢?大概就是找到了一个愿意听你说废话的人。
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她什么也没做,只是静静地倚靠在阳台上,便占据了整个宇宙。  ——杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格,《我认识的那个女孩》  他走下来,努力着不去看她,就好像她是太阳。但是,就像太阳,他不需要去看都能感到她的存在。  ——列夫·托爾斯泰《安娜卡列尼娜》  觉得前途黯淡无光,因为你努力得太辛苦了。放轻松孩子,放轻松,学会轻盈地对待一切,对,即使在你觉得沉重的时候,也要学会举重若轻。让事情自然地发生吧,然后轻盈地对待
J.K. Rowling was awarded a rare distinction①by the royal family — so extraordinary that there are only 64 other people currently holding the title.  The Harry Potter author, 52, was made a Companion o
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