Effects of plasma exchange combined with continuous renal replacement therapy on acute fatty liver o

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lulaiyue
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BACKGROUND: Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) in the third trimester or early postpartum period can lead to fatal liver damage. Its traditional therapy is not very effective in facilitating hepatic recovery. The safety and effect of plasma exchange (PE)in combination with continuous renal replacement therapy(CRRT) (PE+CRRT) for AFLP still needs evaluation.METHODS: Five AFLP patients with hepatic encephalopathy and renal failure were subjected to PE+CRRT in our department from 2007 to 2012. Their symptoms, physical signs and results were observed, and all relevant laboratory tests were compared before and after PE+CRRT.RESULTS: All the 5 patients were well tolerated to the therapy. Four of them responded to the treatment and showed improvement in clinical symptoms/signs and laboratory results and they were cured and discharged home after the treatment One patient succeeded in bridging to transplantation for slowing down hepatic failure and its complications process after2 treatment sessions. Intensive care unit stay and hospital stay were 9.4 (range 5-18) and 25.0 days (range 11-42), respectively.CONCLUSION: PE+CRRT is safe and effective and should be used immediately at the onset of hepatic encephalopathy and/or renal failure in patients with AFLP. BACKGROUND: Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) in the third trimester or early postpartum period can lead to fatal liver damage. Its traditional therapy is not very effective in facilitating hepatic recovery. The safety and effect of plasma exchange (PE) in combination with Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) (PE + CRRT) for AFLP still needs evaluation. METHODS: Five AFLP patients with hepatic encephalopathy and renal failure were subjected to PE + CRRT in our department from 2007 to 2012. Their symptoms, physical signs and results were observed, and all relevant laboratory tests were compared before and after PE + CRRT.RESULTS: All the 5 patients were well tolerated to the therapy. Four of them responded to the treatment and showed improvement in clinical symptoms / signs and laboratory results and they were cured and discharged home after the treatment One patient succeeded in bridging to transplantation for slowing down hepatic failure and its complications process after2 treatment sessions. Intensive care unit stay and hospital stay were 9.4 (range 5-18) and 25.0 days (range 11-42), respectively. CONCLUSION: PE + CRRT is safe and effective and should be used immediately at the onset of hepatic encephalopathy and / or renal failure in patients with AFLP.
“文革”中周总理设联络员  1966年,“文化大革命”发动。各地学生热烈响应号召停课闹革命,红卫兵运动风起云涌,高举造反大旗,踢开党委闹革命。全国党政领导机关相继瘫痪,指挥功能丧失,国家政治经济陷入混乱。党和国家一些领导人忧心忡忡,纷纷为国计民生和国家前途命运担忧。  共和国大管家周总理为防止粮食供应在运动中出问题,9月19日,他指示主管粮食工作的副总理谭震林、李先念,召农垦部萧克副部长到中南海布