
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyongxf
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Background: Minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum (MIRPE) has become widely popular since its introduction in the late 1990s by Nuss. We describe 1 unusual complication after MIRPE and 1 life-threatening bleeding during removal of the pectus bar. Methods: We report the cases of 2 patients in a single institution, more than 100 MIRPE procedures performed so far, and review of literature. Cases: A 14- year-old girl presented 6 months after MIRPE in another institution. During removal of the pectus bar, a massive hemorrhage from both chest wounds occurred, requiring emergency sternotomy. Arrosion of a pulmonary vessel close to themetal bar had led to the bleeding. The second case was a bilateral sternoclavicular dislocation after MIRPE, which has not caused symptoms so far, in a 13- year-old girl. Conclusions: Numerous operative and postoperative complications after MIRPE are feasible. This is the first report of a life-threatening bleeding during removal of the pectus bar. Minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum procedure and removal of the pectus bar should only occur in specialized institutions with wide experience in thoracic surgery. Background: Minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum (MIRPE) has become more popular since its introduction in the late 1990s by Nuss. We describe 1 unusual complication after MIRPE and 1 life-threatening bleeding during removal of the pectus bar. Methods: We report the Cases of 2 patients in a single institution, more than 100 MIRPE procedures performed so far, and review of literature. Cases: A 14- year-old girl presented 6 months after MIRPE in another institution. During removal of the pectus bar, a massive The second case was a bilateral sternoclavicular dislocation after MIRPE, which has not caused symptoms so far, in a 13- year -old girl. Conclusions: Numerous operative and postoperative complications after MIRPE are feasible. This is the first report of a life-threatening bleeding during removal of the pectus bar. Minima lly invasive repair of pectus excavatum procedure and removal of the pectus bar should only occur in specialized institutions with wide experience in thoracic surgery.
【2017年高考作文备考热题】  阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。  2016年11月6日的《中国青年报》刊登了一篇《妈妈给我买了一双耐克的球鞋,学校就取消了我的贫困生助学金》的文章,引起网友激烈讨论。文章讲述了一位大学贫困生,因为一双耐克球鞋被同学举报,失去了贫困生助学金。这双球鞋是他妈妈省吃俭用几个月,花了五百元钱买的。  有人认为,贫困生还高消费,容易让人质疑其贫困生的身份;有人认为,贫困生不
介绍3万吨/年磷铵装置全用湖北矿达产达标的经验。 Describe the 30,000 tons / year ammonium phosphate plant full compliance with Hubei mine production experience.