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1.反向思维理论概述思维是人类心理活动最复杂的形式,也是认识过程中最高级阶段。人们无论做什么事情——从日常生活中由一个简单判断到解决一个复杂的问题,都离不开思维。思维活动在人的生活中具有重要的意义。正是通过思维,人们才能认识事物的本质,并产生了意识及对客观世界的看法。事实上,常常有两种不同的思维方法存在:一种是常规思维方法;一种是与常规的思维方法相悖的反向思维方法。所谓反向思维,就是从反面来认识事物,从对立面中去寻求统一的一种思维方法。它克服了思维的单一性,打破了“思维定势”。与习惯性思维方法相比,反向思维方法具有明显的求异性。反向思维方法强调思维的矛盾性,用矛盾推理和设计推理兼容逻辑与非逻辑思维,调动大脑的潜意识活动与变 1. Overview of reverse thinking theory Thinking is the most complex form of human mental activity, but also the most advanced stage in the process of understanding. No matter what people do - from a simple judgment in daily life to solve a complex problem, can not do without thinking. Thinking activities in people’s lives is of great significance. It is through thinking that people can recognize the essence of things and produce awareness and perception of the objective world. In fact, there are often two different ways of thinking that exist: one is a conventional way of thinking; and one is a way of thinking backward that is contrary to conventional ways of thinking. The so-called reverse thinking, that is, from the opposite to recognize things, from the opposite to seek a unified way of thinking. It overcomes the unity of thinking, breaking the “thinking set ”. Compared with the habitual thinking method, reverse thinking method has obvious difference. The reverse thinking method emphasizes the contradiction of thinking, using contradiction reasoning and design reasoning compatible with logical and non-logical thinking, to mobilize the brain’s subconscious activities and change
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