
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangkb009
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Background and study aims: Several studies have shown that insufflation of carbon dioxide (CO2) instead of air dur-ing colonoscopy can reduce postprocedural pain. However, CO2 insufflation might also lead to CO2 retention in the human body. It was recently shown that this side effect does not occur in unsedated patients, but that sedation leads to impaired respiration. Sedated patients may therefore be more prone to CO2 retention. This randomized, double-blinded study was designed to investigate whether CO2 insufflation leads to CO2 retention in sedated patients. Patients and methods: A total of 103 consecutive patients undergoing colonoscopy were randomly assigned to the use of either CO2 or air insufflation. End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2), a noninvasive parameter for arterial PCO2, was recorded before the examination, twice during it, and 10 min after it. Midazolam or pethidine, or both, were used for sedation. The patient’s pain during the examination and 1, 3, 6, and 24 h afterwards was registered using a questionnaire. Results: CO2 was used in 52 patients and air insufflation in 51. A total of 52 patients (51% ) received sedation. There were no differences in ETCO2 between the CO2 and air group. A slight increase in ETCO2 was observed in sedated patients, while there was no increase in unsedated patients. CO2 insufflation significantly reduced pain after the procedure at all time points. Conclusions: This study indicates that CO2 insufflation reduces pain and is safe to use in colonoscopy for sedated patients. However, CO2 insufflation might also lead to CO2 retention in the human body. It was recently shown that that This randomized, double-blinded study was designed to investigate whether CO2 insufflation leads to impaired respiration. Patients and methods: A total of 103 consecutive patients undergoing colonoscopy were randomly assigned to the use of either CO2 or air insufflation. End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2), a noninvasive parameter for arterial PCO2, was recorded before the examination, twice during it , and 10 min after it. Midazolam or pethidine, or both, were used for sedation. The patient’s pain during the examination and 1, 3, 6, and 24 h afterwa Results: CO2 was used in 52 patients and air insufflation in 51. A total of 52 patients (51%) received sedation. There were no differences in ETCO2 between the CO2 and air group. A slight increase in ETCO2 was observed in sedated patients, while there was no increase in unsedated patients. CO2 insufflation significantly reduced pain after the procedure at all time points. Conclusions: This study indicates that CO2 insufflation reduces pain and is safe to use in colonoscopy for sedated patients.
AIM: To study the genotype phenotype correlation in Wilson’s disease (WD) patients within families. METHODS: We report four unrelated families from South India
本刊讯2009年12月29日,北京广播电视大学成功举办“国际视野中的开放远程教育”学术交流会。本次交流会以汇报国际会议情况、交流国外考察体会为主旨,校长胡 On December 29
在动物界,为了吃到美食、找到最中意的情侣、发现一个最好的地点建立家庭生儿育女,动物们往往会从一个地方迁移到另一个地方,有些旅行非常奇特而神秘。在美国,数十亿只蝉将结束17年的地下生活破土而出,在天亮前只会爬行几米,然后完成从蛹到蝉的转变。而有的动物会旅行数千里,历尽千辛万苦,有时还不能到达目的地,永远地留在旅途中。  座头鲸:距离最长的迁移者  在世界上所有的哺乳动物中,座头鲸保持着最长的旅行纪录
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